Dear Reader:

How many times have we texted or called a friend …asking this very same question? And then how many times have we been the recipient of such a question from a friend?

We respond by saying ” I’m running errands, or in a grocery store line, or in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, babysitting grandkids, etc. ” We usually reply with just a short mundane response and the promise to text, email, or call back later. ( which has about a 50/50 success connection probability.)

But then some days we get a little nudge from our guardian angel …urging us to follow through on a communication thought.

Case-in-point: Yesterday I had about three different slants on a post story …trying to develop all at the same time in my head – but for some reason nothing seemed to be taking hold.

I should have known there was a reason for it. I pulled out some old photo albums and at first I was looking for a couple of specific pictures to possibly be used in today’s post… but as usual I became entranced in the memories and started randomly sending photos out to different family members -to share a memory from the past.

And then it happened… I found a few pictures of my cousin Bob ( Aunt Eva’s oldest son) who passed away suddenly a few months ago. I had promised his wife Lou, that as I found pictures of ” Bobby” in old photo albums…as we grew up ( as cousins) I would send them to her.

I found some of the little boy cousins playing in the dirt and sent them… but then I came across a later picture of Bob holding my first baby Mandy. I sent it along too and immediately something started nagging at me.

Uncle Bob meeting his niece Mandy for the first time!

It was then the midday weather man on television mentioned that the date was : Monday, August 28. Bingo! Memories came flooding back!

It was my cousin Bob’s birthday!!! And the connection? Mandy’s ” official” birth date was August 28! I had told Bob that his first nephew or niece might just come on his birthday! I remember Bob and I laughing about it several times throughout my pregnancy! ( As it turned out -I still had another week of hot misery until “Miss Amanda” decided to arrive on Labor Day. ( a good ” pun” on that date!) 😂

So next, when I texted Lou and let her know that I now remembered it was Bob’s birthday- she was so happy and thankful I knew-that it had been a very difficult day alone but now we could celebrate emotionally together!

Lou said she wanted to do something on Bob’s day of birth and life… but didn’t know what? I texted back and said that Bob’s life was a God-given gift to the world! Cousin Bob was ” the calmest and kindest ” person I remember… it was why he was very protective of my younger ” little” brother David too.

I suggested that Lou get out of the house-go to a park or any location where people would be assembled and simply share a smile with everyone she saw… no doubt that would mean more to Bob than anything else. Share a Bob Smile… pass it on!

And if the opportunity arose… share her story too… the reason why she was giving smiles away in her beloved husband’s honor and memory!

So until tomorrow…

Thank you my guardian angel for the idea and opportunity to help spread kindness.

Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

Our Pooh Angel!

Can’t believe this happened to me at Publix yesterday… I went in and picked up some lunch meat, a small container of potato salad, one banana, and my ( must have) Diet Coke.

I paid with a twenty dollar bill and I heard Lu Ann, my cashier, say ” Well…Lookie at this it came out exactly ten dollars… you better go play the lottery-this is your lucky day!”


First I pay nothing for two toiletries at CVS and now this. I sure hope this ” inexplicable but personally grateful ” mojo” lasts a few more days… during some annual check-ups and scans! 💗

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” Today is My Favorite Day”

A Day When a Forever Memory is Made

Dear Reader:

Yesterday was a special day … a combination of recent and past memories, with a few God Winks thrown in for good measure! It was the kind of day that reassures us …we are not alone.

First of all I slept like a rock after spending most of Saturday outside in the heat on football bleachers and it is always so refreshing to sleep through the night and not wake up until morning. You feel like a new person… a brand new Penny!

I treated myself to a morning of sheer, indulgent laziness. As I switched the television channel to the CBS Sunday Morning Show … John Stamos ( so easy on the eyes) pleasantly started my day. He was being interviewed about his life to date… and his personal growth to reach the joy he feels today… living in the moment.

Suddenly I heard him talking about his role model… Winnie the Pooh … Stamos said something like…” Today is my new favorite day” ( slight altercation) and finished with the recognition that making new moments makes new favorite days.

He went onto admit that he was the perpetual ” Peter Pan” … never wanting to grow up and was blessed with slow aging looks that defied his age so he could act like a child most of his life until he fell in love, married and now can live childhood again through his five year old son.

But his most ” favorite day” when it came to memories … was remembering the last time he and his best friend, Bob Saget, went to their favorite place, Disneyland, together, dressed in PJ ” onesies” and rode all the rides. It was their most favorite and last day together before Bob’s death from a fall soon after…

Best Buddies sharing a favorite day together riding Disneyland rides!!!

However when he returned with his family… to Disney Land Stamos chose Piglet to Disney-bound with…( Disney-bound- you wear your regular clothes in such a way that they resemble a favorite Disney character!)

( Pink Piglet)

A wonderful God Wink awaited me at CVS-I picked up two small travel kit shampoos and when I went to pay for them … the kind lady at the counter kept staring at the screen and scratching numbers on a pad… you don’t owe us anything today… you are a loyal customer and today is ” your” day.

The amount didn’t ” amount” to much … but how many times in life do we get something for nothing… will hand date and save the receipt!

A Happy Moment!

So until tomorrow… Savor the Memory Moments… for the tough days that will come… it’s a free and available ” Pick-You-Up” … no apparatus needed… just close your eyes and smile!

We all need a strong friend like Winnie the Pooh – who always has the right response at the right moment!!!!
A picture is worth a thousand words! 🤗
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The ” War of the Hibiscus”

The ” House of the White Hibiscus ”
The ” House of the Red Hibiscus”

Dear Reader:

After taking a quick early morning photo of my two revived side yard hibiscus plants …with their white and red blooms… I started remembering our earlier discussion on the War of Roses a few weeks back.

Isn’t it amazing how our minds can think so creatively while driving? The more I thought about this historical forty plus year war… ( red and white roses) …the more similarities between it and our country’s political strife today really is.

The War of Roses ( 14th century) conflict displayed an ever-increasing tendency to use deception, false propaganda, violence and might to achieve political ends. In fact the expression ” might is right” became a popular mantra between the Houses of York and Lancaster.

Today… our two conflicting ” houses” (political parties) over the assimilation of money and our country’s budget and where it should go to do the most good… reflect the dilemmas still alive and flourishing today… in an extremely off-kilter economic environment…especially for a democracy!

Back in the day of the War of Roses… there was no people’s democracy… the king , nobility, and clergy ( collectively) continued to own 95% of the country’s wealth.

Yet… today in our democracy the government…of ” We the People” … aren’t faring much better…. In the first quarter of 2023… 69% of our country’s total wealth is owned by the top 10% of earners. By comparison, the lowest 50% of earners only own 2.4% of the total wealth.

The Libra ( the Scales) in me is very uncomfortable… because , as we all know… power is aligned with money… and as we see and hear daily… most top earners and power controllers didn’t learn how to share in kindergarten … obviously!

So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

If you remember the ending of the War of Roses… finally there was a Tudor marriage that united both sides and subsequently (symbolically from the red and white roses) a new pink rose emerged-a new beginning.

There is also a pink hibiscus!

Football Kick-0ff Day for all three Dingles!

Our little cheerleader-Eloise
It was a hot day!
Rutledge running over at half-time!!!
After lunch… resting in Walsh and Mollie’s cool house Tommy and the ” boys” (Atticus and Pip) joined us!
The ” boys loved Eloise sharing her peanut butter!

It was just fun all being together!

When I was leaving… Tommy showed me his golf bag -supporting St Jude’s! What a great donation-very creative! Thanks Tommy! 💗

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Making ” Scents” of the Past

First Friday Night Football Game of the 2023 Season-the Green Waves …

Dear Reader:

Last night, just as it was starting to get dark… I jumped up and drove to a gas station ( almost on empty) and then onto the ATM at my bank in town… knowing that this morning I would be off early to see Eloise cheer for the first time, and Lachlan and Rutledge play their first home game of the season.

There was actually a good breeze blowing ( while running evening errands) so I rolled down the windows, put on some ” Oldie Goldie” music and just let it rip… singing loudly.

But suddenly, as I passed ( what was once the old Summerville high school) – now the district office ( s) – on Main Street) that lead to Memorial Stadium … I heard the stadium cheering, saw the lights, even, serendipitously, smelled the popcorn, and my heart started beating just a little faster.

My memories of all the years I spent in those bleachers, first as a coach’s wife, and later as a player’s mother, came flooding back. Most of them were happy and I loved all the friends, other coaches’ wives, and later other football parents, who surrounded and supported me!

From the time Walsh was little… his dream was to play football for Summerville one day and his dream came true. ( selected his senior year to play in the Shrine Bowl.)

Walsh, at the same age as Rutledge now-fifth grade- ten years old. Now he is Rutledge’s quarterback coach!

On dress up days at school… I could go ” football ” too!

So until tomorrow… how time flies! So many memories… but I realize how blessed I am at this stage in my life… being able to see the ” future” through another generation and I am happy! So happy!

And speaking of happy… as soon as I went to water the garden yesterday morning… I saw it… a huge butterfly resting on my Confederate Rose leaf… ***literally posed for this photo in all her glory.

It is our state butterfly… the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail-Doodle told me the beautiful blue scales on the hind wing means it is a female.

Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

And this Winnie got ” boutiqued” and a new bow.

As Anne, with the help of her sister Kathy, continues moving… she has come across a funny memory… the squirrels tore down a string of Christmas lights, years ago, and Anne is still finding them in her yard today.

Sweet Memories…

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How to Live Joyfully in a Digital Age…

Click Off!

Dear Reader:

From comments I hear around me from friends and everyday people just trying to ” dog paddle” through the dark waters of a ” wired world” (that threatens to pull us under with too much ” too much” information) we all could use an escape click that turns the world off … so we can rest , recoup and recover.

We have allowed politics to play too big a role in our short earth lives. It seems to meddle in every aspect of life we face… environment, religion, education, lifestyles, medicine, life choices, communication, transportation, and our personal pursuits of happiness, including family time.

More and more …whenever I turn on the television news, or pick up my mobile phone and get lost in social media controversies… I can feel myself tensing up automatically. I wonder what percent of television time watching ( within a 24 hour period) is a news show ( in one form or another.)

No doubt… a large slice on a pie chart. No wonder I hear more and more families saying they have relegated watching the news to after the children have gone to bed or are out of the house or they have stopped watching the news altogether… too worrisome and disconcerting.

We talk a lot on this post about finding our personal, individual right path to follow through life, but what do we do when it seems like the world is going the wrong way.

If we don’t like the direction that the story of our country is heading, then we need to send in suggestions for a different story line and a different ending.

We should all agree that we want ” Our Country Tis of Thee” to be a best seller… with so many new ideas strengthening our democracy and fulfilling our Founding Fathers’ dreams for this hard fought land of liberty, that a series comes out of our united vision to strengthen freedom for our loved ones who will follow us!

So until tomorrow… Finding balance in a wired world is not easy but nature helps. Un-wire, un-plug and get outside and play. But keep in mind this one personal commitment to yourself as you live your life…


Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday I wasn’t home long enough to even have to unplug-first to Daniel Island and Wellmore to take toiletries to Ben-then hurried back to meet KC at Oscars for a great catch-up session and delicious lunch-then over to Susan’s for wine, cheese, and crackers to celebrate her new deck ! A wonderful day spent with family and friends!

The geraniums seem to sense that slowly autumn is coming – their colors are deeper, richer, and more abundant.

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Is It Time for a Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?

Dear Reader:

It might seem strange … already thinking of a day off when the schools in the area just started back this week… but I am thinking of an adult ” Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?” ( Singles, Parents, Grandparents… retired teachers…really all adults!)

What got me thinking along these lines was a pretty candle image I saw in a magazine recently that made me smile and nod in consent.

Being a Functional Adult Every Day Seems a Bit Excessive

It really does… when you think about it? Adulting is hard work… a profession unto itself… and everyone needs a break from every stage in life… whether single, parenting or grand parenting ( aunt-ing or uncle-ing. )

Aren’t we adults supposed to be continuously ” responsible ” and ” proper?” Mother was into both terms equally… she was that southern mom who would glare at you if you ” showed out” by breaking etiquette rules and say things like ” Look at you … embarrassing your family… people are going to think you were born in a barn! ”

( I was always tempted to remind mother that I knew of ” Someone born in a barn Who turned out pretty darn good” … but in mother’s eyes that would be close enough to ” blasphemy ” to keep you grounded for a l-o-n-g time! ) Silence is Golden!!!

An article I read on this topic stated we adults should all take a ” recess” occasionally and let our inner child come out to play.

Several other psychologists jumped in on this thought and discussed all the mental and physical health benefits of taking time for play throughout our lives… regardless of age.

We should keep coloring books on our desks or kitchen tables …surrounded by colorful pens and pencils! One can feel the stress oozing out while concentrating on coloring or other art endeavors.

Chocolate attack … go get that milkshake, ice cream soda, or slice of chocolate cake … and enjoy every bite!

Build sand castles at the beach …and don’t worry about the sand and mud in your bathing suit! 👍

Take a break from daily check-off lists… instead live in the moment as each opportunity presents itself… like children.

So until tomorrow… play joyfully, immersed in the moment… learn something new … take a Ferris Bueller’s Day off!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

And yesterday the last race was run! Charleston schools started with Eva Cate and Jake… first day jitters but also excitement!

Eva CateSeventh Grade
Jake is the last little boy before 2023 ( bottom row)

My child-like adventure yesterday took me to the source of the 100 Rainbow Mystery Light…

Two backyards away …when the late afternoon sun hits the hanging décor crescent moon ( SC state emblem) it ricochets over to my side door window… my mystery light until today. ( Move over Nancy Drew) Always follow the light!!!
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Shine On… Your Way!

Dear Reader:

The hardest part of ” surviving ” the Wonder Years” ( aka middle school) is having the courage to be yourself and shine on your own terms.

Not all, but most tweens and early teens are self-absorbed and anxious to fit in at any cost. They want to dress and act like their peers-the greatest fear of a middle schooler is being left out of the ” norm” … isolated from the pack.

However… every year I remember those ” rare specimens ” who went to the beat of their own drums” and took on challenges that their peers hid from…

I can still visualize this handful of students today…who went on to work on Wall Street, produce and act on Broadway, run free clinics for the underprivileged… travel the globe with their observations and writings… in other words… create their own sunbeams to guide them.

Upon reflection ( after 30 years of teaching eighth graders) these ” sunbeam” students had a built-in confidence that allowed them to see the world ( and their place in it) a little differently… they didn’t waste time playing the role of a chameleon… to fit in… but showed their true colors and felt comfortable in them.

This year I have two middle school aged grandchildren ( Eva Cate and Rutledge.) My grandmother’s prayer for both of you is to dig deep, find that confidence inside each of you… and don’t be afraid to ” shine a little differently.” Be true to yourself.

So until tomorrow… yesterday I ordered a pizza to share with some neighbors… while I was sitting and waiting inside on the pizza … my foot knocked something down by my feet. It was a little cross that read: ” Inhale- Exhale… It is well… It is well!”

Inhale Exhale… It is Well- It is Well!

I thought to myself what a great mantra… simple enough to remember and apply silently before any challenging moment… no matter the age!

Today is my favorite day- Winnie the Pooh

Good luck today Eva Cate and Jake on your first day of school… ” Let Your Little Lights Shine!”

Big Yellow Came Through… Two blooms for Eva Cate and Jake’s first day of school-May you grow and Bloom this year!
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Take Time … to Take Stock in … and …of Yourself!

Dear Reader:

As a child I remember getting a rather negative impression of terms like ” inventory ” and ” stock.” My uncle ran a dry-cleaning store and every Christmas he and his wife would talk about closing up three days before the New Year to conduct a complete ” inventory” of clothing not picked up or paid for vs taking ” stock” in the sum amount made on the total number of goods dry-cleaned.

My uncle and aunt would sigh collectively… and even as a child… I could tell it was one of their least favorite ” chores” to do annually.

Since I taught history and civics ( but not economics) I never thought much about economic terms like ” stock” and ” inventory” as anything especially relevant to my life or profession.

It wasn’t until I was working on each student’s accumulative final grade – at the end of one nine weeks term …that it dawned on me one evening …that what I did every nine weeks was taking inventory of the progress made by individual students… I was taking ” stock” of everyone’s advancements ( or not.)

Then as my smooth life’s race track ( over time) became cluttered with more life hurdles to jump…I realized I needed to step out of the race occasionally and take ” stock” in the direction I was heading. Maybe it was time to try another track.

I needed to ” sit down and determine, within myself, which things are worth valuing and which things are not; which risks are worth the cost and which are not.”

There is one component of inventory that seems to address me- work/in-progress items… like half-built laptops. I know now that as long as I am still breathing… I will be a work in progress! And as long as I am progressing into becoming as better person… that ‘s okay with me. ( Completed items just collect dust.)

So until tomorrow…

Exactly …my kind of people!!!

And speaking of races… the race was on yesterday for Rutledge, Lachlan, and Eloise. Mollie said she thought she would break down crying over Eloise starting kindergarten but to her surprise… she got more teary-eyed over leaving Rutledge at the middle school!

Eloise was ready to get started ” Bye Mommy!”

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Another God Wink! A little white feather fell right in front of three hibiscus blooms! Thanks Angel for thinking of me!

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Silence is Golden

Dear Reader:

When I came across a funny ( but relatable) anecdote a few days ago… I saved it because I intuitively knew it would make a fun story for some future theme. ***But before I share this story… let me set the stage …reminiscing back to my own teaching days.

Only teachers can truly relate to this scenario … one that ” afflicts” all teachers. It happens the last five minutes before the last class, the last day, before holidays, early school closings, the last five minutes before summer holidays, and even the last five minutes on some Fridays before long-awaited, beloved weekends.

A funny teacher comrade I knew for years called this scenario ” The Fearsome Five Minute Finale!” While the students are bickering or whining … comparable to your own kids in the car… five minutes from grandmother’s ” Are we there yet?” ( while you debate driving off the road)

A teacher’s eyes are glued to the big round wall clock on the back wall… silently swearing that it must be broken … surely another minute has passed and wondering if you can bargain with God to take the last three minutes off your personal life time-line in exchange for the bell ringing. ( So glad now God never took me up on my exchange offer!)

And now… let me share the story…titled Vow of Silence.

Once in a remote monastery deep in the woods, there lived a group of monks who had taken rigid vows of silence.

The vow could only be broken once a year on Christmas and then only by one monk-who was restricted to one sentence.

One Christmas, Brother Thomas had his turn to speak… and said ” I love the delightful mashed potatoes we have every year with the Christmas roast” then sat down.

Silence ensued for 365 days.

The next Christmas, Brother Michael got his turn to speak and said,”I think the mashed potatoes are lumpy and I truly despise them.” He then sat down… and silence ensued for 365 days.

The following Christmas, Brother Paul rose and said, ” I am SO fed up with this constant bickering!” ( and sat down)

So until tomorrow…

Rutledge, Lachlan, and Eloise start school today… and Eva Cate and Jake Wednesday. My prayers for a memorable and impressionable great school year for everyone.

And as for me…

Yesterday I had a God Wink… I was leaving the CVS pharmacy after picking up medications. I pulled back out on Main Street …when suddenly every car was slamming on brakes… it was a flock of geese crossing the main road right at the red light!

I only caught three of the flock crossing but in all there were about 8 geese of all ages… and the most beautiful moment was watching the motorists’ expressions go from irritation to smiles when they saw what had caused the back-up! People are good at heart.

Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

I kept checking the hibiscus blooms and by last evening the one orange bloom that appeared yesterday morning had another Orange hibiscus -Rutledge and Lachlan… my two orange Clemson boys… your two blooms are symbolic this morning of the way each of you will bloom in school this year!

And to my surprise, Eloise, one yellow hibiscus shocked me with a fast-action bloom just in time for your first day in public school kindergarten… bloom away Eloise!

*** By Wednesday when the Charleston schools start back… no doubt two more blooms will be ready for Eva Cate and Jake .. for a year to bloom and grow!

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High Roads, Low Roads and God’s Road

Dear Reader:

The only childhood memory I have from the expression ” I’ll take the high road and you take the low road” comes from the popular Scottish song (” Lach Lomond-a rather sad lost-love ballad.”)

Today this idea of a high and low road can also, be found in medical journals and articles like “Anxiety and The Brain -The High and Low Road.”

The low road is the part of the brain based in worry and ruinations about the future-it is referred to as the Worry Loop. It’s job is to think, plan, and act.

In this diagram the high road (when it comes to confronting anxiety) is called The Fear Circuit. This part of the brain feels anxiety as fear, panic, and phobia. It is there to keep you alive in imminent danger.

But always between these two metaphorical roads lies the one true path… God’s Road… God’s Path.

As the new school year unveils next week / with all my grandchildren returning to school and classrooms- each child is facing a similar but challenging start for the first time.

As fate would have it this year…Eva Cate, Rutledge, Jake, Lachlan, and Eloise have found themselves in new classroom situations…separated from groups of students-either in their neighborhoods or past classes or schools-for the first time. They will all be challenged to make new friends … so this year the first few days of school… will require courage and openness to new teachers, classmates, and situations.

It was meant to be!

I have been reassuring them that when you get as old as ” Boo” you can look back on similar situations -times when I was disappointed or anxious about being separated from secure and familiar surroundings to starting over.. relationships or perhaps a new job, classroom or school, new administrations and even subject changes.

And as much as I didn’t initially like it… in hindsight it was the best thing to happen to me… the change took me in another direction that opened up more opportunities for me in the future… and the new friends became my best friends!!!

It always comes back to understanding the difference between wants and needs-A very important lesson in life!

So until tomorrow… What you want is not always what you need. Allow things to unfold how they are meant to- God’s got this … and soon you will too! The best school year evermy ” Faithful Five!”

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Keep your eyes on the STAR Keep the Faith!

Anne is living today’s ” post’s message” as she made the courageous decision ( just recently) to sell her decades-old house-getting rid of half of her accumulated possessions and moving into a new life with less maintenance, less upkeep, and less ” stuff.” A complete start-over! A new beginning!

After some Duke’s Barbecue ( been gone too long-so good) Anne showed me her new home… just perfect!


One of the many things I have always admired about Anne is that she can make a large life-altering decision faster than anyone I know.. she is always looking ahead for the next adventure! This decision is perfect for the times!

Late summer and the plants are still blooming!
Let’s do it everyone!
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