Do-Over Day!!! I Feel Like a New Woman!!!!

Dear Reader:

Joy takes so many forms in life but yesterday it appeared in the form of a hot frothy shower-( I was sitting in a shower chair that only added to my sheer delight in what felt like what a nymph must feel bathing in a beautiful waterfall!

I have a whole new leisure style wardrobe in matching blues… Boo in Blue! Yesterday I felt so clean … like I had washed many cares away and was renewed again. A new woman!

And I wasn’t the only one getting a new look. Ben has returned to Wellmore…surgeons were pleased with their results fixing broken bones and Ben was returned to heal. Such. A joyful day of abundance for both of us.

Lee did the honors for Ben giving him a clean shave! Watch out girls! 😁

And I got to talk to Ben -he was more lucid and clear yesterday than I have heard him in a long time! Truly a miracle among so many! God is so good !!!!!!!! I wish we could have a group hug! YOU IN THE MIDDLE GOD!

So until tomorrow… Never try to out guess God’s vision for us… we lose! 😁

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

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What a Difference a Day Makes

Not exactly where I expected to end back up… low potassium-another IV 2 hour session

Dear Reader:

Remember yesterday…when you were reading Wednesday’s post and it was just filled with pictures of beautiful flowers, gardens and scenic novelties, amid other signs of autumn’s unique charm?

We discussed how important it was to take in the extraordinary beauty surrounding us instead of falling victim to our daily problems and letting them define our day?

Well… Wednesday was definitely a different day. I basked in the warm afternoon sun Tuesday… and yesterday ( Wednesday ) froze getting potassium pumped into my IV for two hours. ( potassium low)

There were not enough warm blankets to keep my teeth from chattering… ( 2nd Wednesday in a row I have shivered through IV infusions. ( I will dress in an Eskimo outfit next week I think ( hood and all ) with an open sleeve for the needle.

For this visit Tommy and Mandy accompanied me… it was a long day. BUT I knew God would find a way to turn the day around.

I started watching this older gentleman who was like a sun ray beam… helping everyone he passed with a smile and ” What can I get for you offer?”

I thought to myself… ” There Goes a Story.” God knows that is my most favorite gift… and I was right!

As he passed near me … I stopped him and just wanted to let him know that he was a bright ray of sunshine among the many patients undergoing all kinds of diversified treatments. His face was radiating and his manner so comforting as he spoke in a private individualized comforting tone.

He sincerely thanked me for the compliment and I told him that I had just told my daughter Mandy… ” Now there goes a story.” Soon we were all caught up in it.

Just a few years earlier he had been accompanying his wife to the same room for her cancer treatments…. until she recently passed. He and his wife were raising twin daughters and now he was doing it alone… with God’s help.

He said he prayed fervently for guidance and then one night his prayers were answered…. he was to return to this room-to repay the wonderful staff who had been so good to his wife. The next day he applied and a position had ” just opened”… by God.

Each day he awakens with a smile on his face… he feels home again and wants everyone inside to feel wanted and comforted too. He feels so blessed. … an inner room sanctuary for him and his extended family!

So until tomorrow… Thank YOU GOD for providing my special gift when I, too, needed one!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Your prayers turned my day around too-Bless you!

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An Autumn Picture Perfect Story…

The funniest thing happened yesterday… timing could not have been more perfect!

Mandy bravely grabbed the razor and we went outside on the deck where she removed stray lipsy old hair that only grew in certain areas that I couldn’t reach and then washed my head and added oil and cream… it felt so good!

I decided to have some fun and take a shadow picture of it ( like our other Ya Ya picture at the beach.) Just then the phone started ringing and it was Anne Peterson ” face-timing me!” Awkward… not exactly a Kodak moment…started laughing -texted Anne and explained the situation and then she was laughing too!

She told me she was in my garden and it was beautiful… morning glories in full bloom and my little garden was thriving all by itself! My 13 year old garden had taken charge! I was so proud! ( top Pictures)

So strange how earlier in the day I had seen beauty right outside Mandy’s and realized when we take our focus off God’s beauty staring us in the face… and over-focus on our problems… we can not find the peace that God is sending us!

So many happy things occurring around me like…

Honey’s precious new puppy-Mollie May!!!such happiness on Honey’s face.. such love!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

So until tomorrow… laughter is the best medicine… love this Halloween joke!

Prayers today please as I return to my oncologist to see if all our efforts are paying off! 🙏🏻💗

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Trust Your Intuition Over Your Anxiety

Dear Reader:

Didn’t many of us grow up having to memorize Descartes’ quotes on thinking…. like…

If you happen to be an overthinker… like me… you can really do a number on yourself and … NOT in a positive way.!

Last week my oncologist called me on it. I had gotten quiet and I caught her staring at me and she whispered ” You aren’t thinking I hope that this is the last hurrah and if this new drug doesn’t work that’s it … are you?

And I nodded.

What was left… wasn’t this the last New Kid” on the block with chemo drugs??????

She patiently explained my cancer findings since the PACT exam hadn’t changed… nothing was in my organs … the cancer rose because I have breast skin cancer. And this was being watched carefully.

She is giving me time off to recoup regroup and pump me full of IV anti nausea and energy medications. She re-tracked my incorrect thinking.

The crucial thing is to stop the weight loss and believe me we are getting in more calories… than previously…not enough if I was eating normally but then nothing is normal … but we are persevering!

So until tomorrow… it is interesting to see where our thinking can take us if left alone to our own ” incorrect ” thinking!

God is already ahead of the day… He lives in tomorrow… we just have to follow His Thinking… not our incorrect assumptions!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

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Amazing Math

Dear Reader:

If you live long enough , you end up eating words and expressions you thought you never would. Especially at a time when any kind eating is a struggle.

My son-in law , John, loves math… so he is figuring up daily how to get the most ” bang for the buck” for all the effort going into eating…. what requires less energy but more calories.

Even shapes and sizes of containers play a huge mental role… keep sizes small as to not be overwhelming and a turn-off. At the end of the day the numbers tell the tale.

It really does take a team with different expertises and outlooks to be successful!

So until tomorrow… life outside goes on… sparkling Autumn days… John, Mandy and the kids went on their annual Pumpkin Patch family excursion!

Each day we take one step forward is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

My slogan is no longer… Social Studies Teachers don’t do windows or math! 😂

Lee called and Ben is holding his own-will talk with doctor tomorrow. 🙏🏻💗

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Really! One More Obstacle?????

WHEW! Will it Ever Stop?

Dear Reader:

Ever since being at John and Mandy’s I live from cocoon to cocoon to cocoon. The girls have been bringing in sweatpants, shirts and layers of-t-shirts…. I feel like a pig in a blanket!

I know Dr Jeter said every week we are pulling one clue away to find and eliminate the culprit who is causing the trouble…. we keep coming up with more Culprits …

I took an urine sample and sent in to CVS and yes ( on top of everything else ) It showed UTI! So now I am adding more medicine on top of medicine… haven’t had an UTI in decades…. go figure.

Drinking water and hoping by Monday it is showing improvement.

My biggest concern is my head…. feels like a balloon filled with water that makes my head feel too heavy to lift and I stay constantly groggy. I want to feel alert again.

But oh how blessed I am to be surrounded by love and caring family… beyond blessed!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

….. Didn’t mean to confuse anyone with Ben ‘s good report from getting through surgery… he was having hallucinations he was driving around NYC?????

My boys came to see me! Joy!
I will be asleep but my prayers will be with my beloved Tigers! 🙏🏻💗🙏🏻💗
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I Found the Northwest Passage!!!!!!

You didn’t know your old post writer for over 15 years was also a newly recognized trailblazer for any one like me desperately trying to the find the right river fall to topple nutrient’s into the basin -stomach.

My niece Carrie taught me to lean forward … rock back and forth… place the parcel of food in the left-side mouth -swallow and swish the food to the middle of the throat -gulp and there let it tumble into the stomach basin… food IN the stomach…. truly miracle!!!

A new Day of discovery!!!!!!!Hallelujah! Almighty God! How I love you so!!!!!

Lee’s phone texted me… once again miracle Ben was up and talking … thought he was in NYC. Hoping to move him back to Wellmore in a few days.

Lots of visitors and surcies. Flowed with family and happiness!

Today is my favorite day!Winnie the Pooh

Thank all of you for still lifting me up

My dog grandson Atticus got a certificate of bravery today! 💗💗🙏🏻

And I got a gig too from Mollie and family… My Dolley Dingle Dog! To bring me comfort! 💗🙏🏻

Love you Dolley Dingle! Thank you Mollie and family!
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There is a Balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul

Dear Reader:

This title of my most favorite song I hummed all last night awaiting news of Ben’s surgical procedure is the most comforting song to me 1 have ever heard… I can hear it today and still remember the first time I heard it.

When we moved to Lauren’s my freshman Year… Our family re-joined our Presbyterian Church and I joined the adult choir. I prayed every Sunday that my favorite singer ( Miss Haynie) would sing 🎶 There is a balm in Gilead!

From the first time I heard it -it touched my soul!

A balm -a rare perfume used medicinally and named for the region of Gilead where it was produced.

For me personally… these days a balm is my secret name and place where I can find that inner peace my body and soul craves!

So until tomorrow Wherever God lies… there you will find your balm… your peace!

Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

May you all follow your peaceful balm
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What a Day!

Dear Reader:

Yesterday was a very busy day! I am totally exhausted so the post will be short.

Tommy and Mandy took me home to pick up my mail Vickie collected , essentials I needed and to blow a kiss goodbye for awhile.

I had my own entourage today as I met with my oncologist-( we-me, Mandy and Kaitlyn had all our questions answered thoroughly!

Dr Ashley Jeter! God blessed me the day I got placed in her care after my first oncologist retired. I taught her husband and two brother-in-laws 8th grade history… small world! We hit it off immediately-I love her!

She said we would drop back and punt and take off as much anxiety off me as possible.

Then I went to an hour’s IV infusion of building up anti-nausea medication and pumping in energy strengthening medication.

It had been a long exhausting day but a very satisfying one.

The whole time I kept saying prayers for Ben and praying fervently!

It paid off..Lee and Vikki sent out the relieving wonderful news late in the afternoon that he came through the surgery and was resting comfortably-I blew out a pent-up breath and it felt so good.

So until tomorrow… We put our faith in God … our Creator and Father!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

It is also my niece’s ( Bekah’s 🥳 birthday!)

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Life, like a stream, never stops winding or hanging

Dear Reader:

Yesterday was the hardest day… separating from my Ya’s but this year even more surprises were in store.

My ” children” had gathered together and from the Ya’s updates about the good and not so good days -health wise-that I was still frail and they concluded I did need more assistance initially to build up my strength before returning back home.

So today finds me at John and Mandy’s house …Walsh and Mandy picked me up-packed me up and here I am.

I am the most blessed of women.

Mandy called and got me into my oncologist office today for an immediate appointment to answer many questions we need answered.

Hoping new ideas that will enable me to get food in me without gagging takes top precedent! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

On the way back Walsh broke the heart-breaking news to me that Ben fell out of his wheelchair-re-broke his finally mended ribs and other locales and is back at MUSC for a surgical procedure.

Stop in the name of love! This is breaking my heart!

Sunday felt special but now even more so… a much needed pause in time… to love the moment!

So until tomorrow… God I know you are still guiding me and my brother Ben … lift us up as high as you can do so we can see Your Whole Picture

On the way back we stopped at the famous King’s Market to pick up some of their fabulous casseroles to bring back to Mollie and her parents arriving in town this week

And speaking of Mollie and Susan Swicegood Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday Girls!!!!!!

Today is my favorite day… I am alive and with family

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