Dear Reader:
Didn’t many of us grow up having to memorize Descartes’ quotes on thinking…. like…

If you happen to be an overthinker… like me… you can really do a number on yourself and … NOT in a positive way.!
Last week my oncologist called me on it. I had gotten quiet and I caught her staring at me and she whispered ” You aren’t thinking I hope that this is the last hurrah and if this new drug doesn’t work that’s it … are you?
And I nodded.
What was left… wasn’t this the last New Kid” on the block with chemo drugs??????
She patiently explained my cancer findings since the PACT exam hadn’t changed… nothing was in my organs … the cancer rose because I have breast skin cancer. And this was being watched carefully.
She is giving me time off to recoup regroup and pump me full of IV anti nausea and energy medications. She re-tracked my incorrect thinking.
The crucial thing is to stop the weight loss and believe me we are getting in more calories… than previously…not enough if I was eating normally but then nothing is normal … but we are persevering!
So until tomorrow… it is interesting to see where our thinking can take us if left alone to our own ” incorrect ” thinking!
God is already ahead of the day… He lives in tomorrow… we just have to follow His Thinking… not our incorrect assumptions!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Always remember what you told your readers a long time ago and you and I talk about it all the time….God is holding YOUR hand all the way. Love you….please wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug…from you and from me. Love you sweet friend. God’s GOT THIS!
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As long as I have known you, for many years, you have personified a strong, capable woman who always just keeps on going no matter what life has thrown at you. I’m sure you can’t help but be worried with your recent issues, but I know that that person who always looks at her glass half-full, the “Steel Magnolia” will get through this bump in the road, too! You have an army of Prayer Warriors to back you up!
Pam you nailed it but I will keep on fighting… as long as it takes! Nothing is heavy with so much stamina behind me! 🙏🏻💗
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