Category Archives: Uncategorized

If You Don’t Have Christmas in your Heart, You will Never Find it under the Tree

Dear Reader: When we were growing up weren’t we all guilty (at one time or another) of letting loved ones know our disappointment Christmas morning if we didn’t get the one “ticket” item we wanted? As we got older we … Continue reading

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Never Confuse What is Urgent with What is Truly Important!

Dear Reader: Yesterday was one of those special times, that come along bringing extraordinarily memorable moments on ordinary days. It all began with the “Wheel barrow” sleigh delivering red poinsettias to each family on Rainbow road…No one was at home … Continue reading

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A Daily Dose of Happiness…

Dear Reader: In France, there is an expression I love that has been passed down from generation to generation…Find your “petits bonheurs du jour.” This translates: Look for your little daily joy. French grandmothers tell their grandchildren this little secret … Continue reading

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“Done is Better than Perfect”

Dear Reader: How many of you, like me, have never finished a particular project because it wasn’t “good enough” in our self-inflicted perfectionist eyes? Some times these experiences just re-enforce how hard we are on ourselves…to the point of  self-under-appreciating … Continue reading

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“There is No Us and Them”

Dear Reader: Last Friday when I took random photos of the “Fall Trees of Miler” for the blog… I looked at my Bradford Pear, in the front yard, and it just didn’t stand up to all the other beauties in … Continue reading

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Faith on a Foggy Morning

Dear Reader: If I don’t have to drive in the fog…I really love the sense of fog settling in around my home, yard, and neighborhood. Some of my favorite garden jaunts last summer were early foggy morning escapes….because fog changes … Continue reading

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A “Birthday Bulb Promise”!

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I got a text from Anne Peterson (a.k.a) Dr. Morning Glory asking if she could make a call around 10:30 and bring two bags of daffodil bulbs that she had for me originating from a message … Continue reading

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The Trees of Late Autumn in Miler

Dear Reader: Yesterday was my day to do nothing…nada. I stayed in my pj’s for a long time, read, ate a late breakfast and finished putting up some left-overs… getting the rest of the pots and pans in the dishwasher.( … Continue reading

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Never Having Known…

Dear Reader: I hope your Thanksgiving was filled with “plenty of reasons to give thanks.” Mine sure was! When I received the following comment from Jo Dufford yesterday it made me pause and realize something, an epiphany, that I had … Continue reading

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The Story Behind Norman Rockwell’s Thanksgiving

Dear Reader: My generation of the ‘Baby Boomers’ grew up with this image in our minds when we thought of an American Thanksgiving. Like other traditional images…this painting, too, makes us feel nostalgic, but truthfully was never experienced. Our Thanksgivings … Continue reading

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