Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is Christmas Sneaking Up On You…Good! Boo!

Dear Reader: Kaitlyn and Tommy have started an annual tradition of having family and friends over for the Mt. Pleasant Christmas Parade…this works well since they are right off Coleman Blvd in Mt. P. (Behind OOPS!) A great location to … Continue reading

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The Real Christmas Magic in Summerville

Dear Reader: Every so often an incident occurs that reminds me why I love my town of Summerville. The people are the friendliest in the world and at Christmas this observation is only increased and magnified…like the Grinch’s heart. The … Continue reading

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Letting the Past Peek in at Christmas!

Dear Reader: Yesterday I dropped by Steve and Lassie’s house to drop off a package for Lassie. After I parked the car I just sat a little longer in it… admiring the Christmas decorations on the porch. I could feel … Continue reading

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Creating Christmas Crannies…It’s Magic!

Dear Reader: As I just typed the date of this blog and realized we were entering the double-digit numbers now in December…Christmas suddenly became larger and more imminent in my mind. (If I don’t have my usual number of views … Continue reading

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The Importance of Christmas Family Rituals and Memories

Dear Reader: Isn’t it easy to get caught up in the nostalgia of Christmases past and secretly wish those days and customs still existed? Like the picture in the title photo a lot of people love the idea of going … Continue reading

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Memories of Chocolate Christmases

Dear Reader: Haven’t you experienced a time when you were missing a loved one who has passed on and then something happens to bring them back to you… in your memory? Honey and I were talking about this on the … Continue reading

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The “Ballast” in our Lives…Finding our Balance

Dear Reader: Many of you will be traveling elsewhere for Christmas …to families, to see the grandchildren, or perhaps spend a quiet Christmas elsewhere at some vacation spot. Traveling at Christmas time is a large part of the Christmas season … Continue reading

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“Big Red’s” Christmas Present to Me…

Dear Reader: When I went to open my front door yesterday morning….the first three buds on “Big Red” had burst open and I thought to myself…’Christmas has arrived.‘ What a wonderful gift from Mother Nature! It brought a smile to … Continue reading

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Christmas IS Hope!

Dear Reader: As I was putting my creches around the decorative light ornament I received, as a gift, several Christmases ago…I thought again about how much I loved my HOPE manager scene…with the O containing the manager scene within it. … Continue reading

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Now is the Time…Love Your Life!

Dear Reader: Isn’t it a wonderful “aha” moment when we take time to pause and think aloud ” I love my life!” (Especially meaningful… when life is not going  according to our own planned benchmarks, as defined by societal success.) … Continue reading

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