Category Archives: Uncategorized

When You Can’t Sleep…Think of Something Funny…

Dear Reader: The other night I had ‘one of those nights’ when I couldn’t  fall sleep. There really wasn’t anything pressing on my mind… still I felt physically tired but unfortunately mentally alert. All kinds of crazy images  floating through … Continue reading

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Still Pursuing the “Pursuit of Happiness”?

Dear Reader: Friday, on the blog post, when we talked about going back to “Old School” when it comes to technology…several of you nodded your agreement to this wishful concept. Jo Dufford said: “Your blog today about “Slowing Life Down” … Continue reading

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The Dingles are Home…

Dear Reader: Moving Day! Strikes terror in the most courageous hearts! We all keep memories of past moving days pushed back (as far as we can) into the deepest recesses of our own personal recollections. The last two days have … Continue reading

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Slowing Life Down…

Dear Reader: It has taken me a lifetime to realize that the time period we live in on earth has its own unique clock. The pace is set by the life styles of people living within different cultures at the … Continue reading

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Summer’s Putting Up a Good Fight…

Dear Reader: It is hard to believe that we are now in the middle of September. Fall fell early for the lowcountry…a week or more of wonderful low humidity, fall weather….before and during Hurricane Irma. I raised my windows, turned … Continue reading

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The Importance of Not Skipping to the End…

Dear Reader: Anne and I are averaging swapping out our Louise Penny detective series stories about every other week. Because of the hurricane Anne had time (and electricity) to finish one whole book in the series. Tuesday she got back … Continue reading

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Partly Cloudy with a Chance of Miracles!

Dear Reader: When I woke up yesterday morning the rain had finally ceased. There were no wind gusts..all was quiet. The forecast was for partly cloudy skies with warmer temperatures around 80. (That was a big jump from 70 (as … Continue reading

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A Simple Thank You

  Dear Reader: So far today the weather here has seemed more like a long thunderstorm…just without the thunder or lightning. The rain and winds are supposed to pick up, however,  a little more between 12 and 3 today (Monday) … Continue reading

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All is Calm…All is Cool…but it’s Coming…

Dear Reader: It is 2:45 Sunday afternoon as I start this blog. We woke up to temps in the sixties. It is overcast and still calm. A few gusts of wind pick up now and then to scatter the pine … Continue reading

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“It’s A Small, Small World”…

  Dear Reader: Each day I grow older I also grow deeper… in my thoughts about the world we live in. Yesterday was a case-in-point. I slept later than I have in a long time. It was so refreshing! By … Continue reading

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