Still Pursuing the “Pursuit of Happiness”?

Dear Reader:

Friday, on the blog post, when we talked about going back to “Old School” when it comes to technology…several of you nodded your agreement to this wishful concept. Jo Dufford said:

“Your blog today about “Slowing Life Down” and the way technology seems often to absorb so much time were “spot on”. (I got that expression from a television judge of talent. It makes me feel “With it”.) Whatever expression you choose, I am still glad that I am of the generation which still knows the feeling of holding a real book, reading and sitting in my swing with no dings, toots or whistles to announce, “You’ve got a text”. (Very often it is from someone I don’t even know.”)

This comment prompted Cindy Ashley to share another article she found on Denmark’s Happiest Country and its comparison to American attitudes towards what makes much of our society happy.

Cindy also dropped this book off (that this article is based on) last week when we exchanged Louise Penny books…taking some time to read some chapters from it each day. Learning the secret of happiness is a pretty good mystery turn-pager too!

Five Reason Why Danes Are Happier than the Rest of us…

David Roos


1. Danes Trust Each Other

“In surveys, 79 percent of Danes say they trust most people. I don’t trust 79 percent of my immediate family,” jokes Russell, who moved from London to Denmark in 2013 when her husband got a job — where else? — at LEGO!

Where does this sense of trust come from? Denmark’s small population (fewer than 6 million) and cultural homogeneity have something to do with it, but the Danish sense of trust is far-reaching, from neighbors to government. Russell says most Danes don’t lock their car doors or front doors. She’s gotten used to delivery men just appearing in her front hall with a package.

Trust isn’t an innate Danish trait, Russell admits. It’s taught in schools and learned through everyday interactions with trustworthy and responsive institutions. In “The Year of Living Danishly,” Russell spoke to political scientist Peter Thisted Dinesen from Copenhagen University, who found that even immigrants from “low-trust” countries who are educated in Denmark quickly take on Danish levels of trust. “This idea of trust is crucial,” says Russell. “You have the head space to be happy if you’re not anxious all the time.”

2. The Danish Welfare State Works

Danes pay some of the highest income tax rates in the world — 45 percent for an average Danish annual income of $43,000 and 52 percent for those who earn more than $67,000. But in exchange for forking over half their earnings, every Dane gets free health care, free K-college education (students are actually paid $900 a month), highly subsidized child care and generous unemployment benefits. In surveys, nine out of 10 Danes say they gladly pay their exorbitant taxes.

“The reason behind the high level of support for the welfare state in Denmark is the awareness of the fact that the welfare model turns our collective wealth into well-being,” writesMeik Wiking, chief executive officer of Denmark’s Happiness Research Institute. “We are not paying taxes. We are investing in our society. We are purchasing quality of life.”

If you lose a job in Denmark, it’s not necessarily a big deal. In fact, unemploymentis built into the system. Thanks to something called the “flexicurity model,” employers in Denmark have a lot more freedom to fire employees because there are government programs to retrain workers and better position them for the job market. Russell says that strong unions also provide a guaranteed safety net, giving unemployment benefits for up to two years.

Denmark also has one of the most generous retirement systems in the world, providing for the 65-plus population through a combination of a state-funded pension and private, employer-funded pension programs. Again, when you’re not constantly worried about how you’re going to afford your retirement, you’re going to feel less anxious and more secure. In other words, happier.

*** (Work less, love more)

Family having a healthy meal, in victorian style greenhouse

3. Danes Work Less and Spend More Time with Their Families

“Work-life balance” in Denmark isn’t just an HR buzzword, it’s a way of life. Danish workers put in the second-fewest hours of all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries at 1,412 hours a year. If Danes worked all 52 weeks a year, that would average out to only 27 hours a week, but since most Danish employers offer at least five weeks of paid vacation, Russell says that the real number is closer to 33 hours a week. Still, 33 hours a week?

“As a family, we are mildly outraged if my husband doesn’t get home until 5:30 p.m.,” says Russell, who is on maternity leave with twin 3-month-olds. “In London, we barely saw each other.”

On the topic of parental leave, Denmark again has one of the most generous policies in the world. The government requires all employers to offer up to 52 weeks of leave — for either mother or father — and the state provides monetary support for up to 32 weeks.

For all of the time off that Danish workers take, economic productivity doesn’t seem to suffer. According to OCED calculations of labor productivity (GDP per hour worked), Denmark ranks well above bigger economies like Germany, Japan and the United States. Russell credits a different workplace culture.

“There’s this idea that you work hard, get the work done and then go home. Danes don’t waste time at the office on Facebook,” Russell says. “You’re also trusted by your boss to do a good job, so you have total flexibility to work from home or choose your own schedule.”

4. Danes Don’t Boast

There’s an unwritten law in Danish culture called Janteloven or “Jante’s law,” based on a popular satirical novel from the 1930s. The spirit ofJanteloven is “don’t act like you’re better, smarter or richer than anyone else.”

Although Janteloven has lost some of its grip in cosmopolitan Copenhagen, Russell says, it’s still very much lived by average Danes (you might even argue that being “average” is the goal).

“Don’t show off. No one is better than anyone else. Everyone is equal,” says Russell, adding that you don’t see even wealthy Danes driving fancy cars or living in ostentatious houses. “People also dress quite informal; I haven’t seen a tie in years.”

Not only are there fewer outward signs of success or struggle, but failure in Denmark isn’t a four-letter word, Russell says. Because Danes are afforded such a strong safety net, there isn’t as much financial risk in failure, so people feel free to try new things. If it doesn’t work out, no big loss.

5. Danes Live Hygge-ly

To really understand what makes Danes tick and why they’re so darn happy, you have to understand hygge. Pronounced “hyoo-geh,” it’s the near-religious Danish belief in living simply and “cozily” surrounded by family and friends. Russell says that hygge is more than just crackling wood fires and full-body pajamas, it’s anything that brings you deep, soul-warming pleasure. That could be sharing a meal with friends, reading the Sunday paper, or yes, playing with LEGOs.

Russell says that Danes are “staggered and bemused” that hygge has become a trendy self-help fad. A quick search on Amazon shows more than a dozen hygge-themed books promising to reveal the Danish secret to happiness. Sounds like the perfect read for that roaring fire


As our small world gets smaller and smaller…I believe we can learn from other cultures about finding the right criteria to live a life of fulfillment and happiness. We are such a work-oriented society…that I believe many of us reach a point when we look in the mirror…and simply say “Enough.

We must each find that balance in life that provides the answer to the yearning for a fulfilled life that we all desire.

Lincoln once said: “The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing.

So until tomorrow…If liberty and happiness are linked then we must each find our own happiness within each of our hearts…the freedom to love and be loved.

“Today is my favorite day”  Winnie the Pooh

***I will be over in Mt. Pleasant (John and Mandy’s) a lot this week helping with the grandchildren…so if there isn’t a blog post a day or two…it is just me being a grandmother. 




About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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1 Response to Still Pursuing the “Pursuit of Happiness”?

  1. bcparkison says:

    And being a grandmother is most important.

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