Category Archives: Uncategorized

Power Thought Card Challenge

Dear Reader: Today I am leaving for Edisto Beach for our Ya Fall Retreat. We meet in early summer, fall, and winter. It is always a wonderful way to start the season spending it with “seasoned” friends of the past, … Continue reading

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The South’s “Rose of Fall” isn’t a “Rose at All”

Dear Reader: Friday when I returned back home it was too dark to see anything in the garden and then yesterday morning when I first woke up…it was drizzling and gray outside.  I walked out on the deck and my … Continue reading

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Sacred Laughter

Dear Reader: Kelly Rae Roberts painted this particular ‘mantra of the soul” painting calling it “Divinity of Gladness.” Happiness, humor, and laughter should be a divine attribute to our Creator. I think we got off to a rocky start with … Continue reading

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“Every Flower is a Soul Blossoming in Nature”

Dear Reader: It happened! I went out yesterday morning to admire all the work my “fire boys” (as I call my firemen lawn cutters) had done. They surprised me by digging up all the dirt, leaves, and pine straw that … Continue reading

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When Grandma Got Lost In Cyberspace

Dear Reader: I came across a funny little poem about “Grandma getting lost in cyberspace”…and I thought  to myself,  she sure isn’t alone. Every time I start getting just a little cocky about my “fair to middling”  computer skills it … Continue reading

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Fabulous Faithful Ferns

  Dear Reader: While I was walking around taking photos of decorated fall designs on homes in the neighborhoods near me Monday…I came to a dead end and there was the most breath-taking fern forest, for lack of a better … Continue reading

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Finding Fall

Dear Reader: I was looking for an excuse to be outside yesterday and I found it. When I went walking Sunday evening I took my IPhone and found some Fall decorations in a few yards, porches, and doors. I took … Continue reading

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We Are the Universe

Dear Reader: We are the universe. Doesn’t that sound like something out of a sci-fi fiction novel or a space alien B-rated movie? Me…little me…I am the universe? Ah…you’re pulling my leg! Really? We are not “in” the universe, we … Continue reading

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Life is a Balancing Act of Holding On and Letting Go

Dear Reader: I have never been an obituary reader…unless, of course, the death announcement involves someone very close to me. But I don’t read the obituaries daily or  “religiously” like some folks. In fact I have always gotten tickled at … Continue reading

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Practicing Soul Care…

Dear Reader: I think we all forget that just like our bodies…our souls need nourishment and healing too. If we have annual physicals…what about annual soul “physicals?” Do we stop and re-think life based on what our soul is telling … Continue reading

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