Category Archives: Uncategorized

Life After Taxes….”Happy Returns”!

Dear Reader: Most of Effie Wilder’s avid reading fans are most familiar with her popular books based (loosely) on daily life at the Presbyterian Village in Summerville for years…books like Out to Pasture, Over What Hill? and Older but Wilder. … Continue reading

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Deep Down Don’t We “Adults” Still Want Our “Blankies?”

Dear Reader: Don’t we hate to admit it…but most of us still cling to something that we love so dearly… that it doesn’t matter …even if it is tattered and torn with wear. I think it is called the “Linus … Continue reading

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“It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This”

Dear Reader: I mentioned awhile back that I had started a series of mysteries by Guidepost authors called the “Tearoom Mysteries.” Last night I finished the book (in the title photo) and to my surprise…the editors had added an extra … Continue reading

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Camellias and Carolina Wrens

Dear Reader: It has been the white…(well, white tinged with the lightest of pink) camellias that have called to me on my cold walks this past week. I have gotten in the habit of carrying some small clippers to snip … Continue reading

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What a Timely Yellow Jessamine Bloom!

Dear Reader: We know February is “officially” here now because the first bloom off my Yellow Jessamine vine burst open from its tiny tight buds …on February 1, exactly 94 years to the day that the South Carolina General Assembly … Continue reading

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Simple Spirituality

Dear Reader: I love sometimes to look back on earlier blogs or sometimes they just pop up when I go “surfing on the internet.” Yesterday I found a little story/incident I had written about a few years back but then … Continue reading

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“Those Darn Car Keys” and other aging Problems

Dear Reader: Ambika knows me so well after all these years of being blog-buddies and posts-connected…particularly my flawed “If it can be lost I can lose it” segment on life. She received a downright funny episode on aging and forgetfulness … Continue reading

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Our Own Mobile Blueprints for Life

Dear Reader: I had another epiphany yesterday, after all our recent discussion on taking time to drink in segmented “swallows” of knowledge consistently, while not wasting the precious waters of knowledge by allowing it to overflow…with nowhere to go. I … Continue reading

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Getting to the Heart of the Matter

Dear Reader: Saturday as I walked down Old Country Club road…I smiled when I got to the end and saw the hearts (flag) in front of the last house before the dead end. Goodness…before we know it Valentines will be … Continue reading

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Rainy Days and …Sundays?

Dear Reader: It was Karen Carpenter who sang about “Rainy Days and Mondays always got her down.” But Sundays? Yesterday actually made me happy…in the sense of content to snuggle in and just enjoy the rainy day. The gardener in … Continue reading

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