Category Archives: Uncategorized

Life’s Extras…Grace of Light and the Elegance of Nature

Dear Reader: Yesterday the shutters were thrown back, the windows were raised, and the sunshine warmed up my usually chilly sunken den. To hit 80 degrees in February is really pushing it…but after the cold, cold, weather of January…I felt … Continue reading

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Finding “My People” All Around Me…Choo! Choo!

  Dear Reader: Ever since learning (surprisingly) that I have 22% Scandinavian “blood” in my genes matching another 22% Irish, and 44% British…I have become more interested in pursuing this unknown part of my ancestry. Go Vikings go!  When Benedikte … Continue reading

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Let’s Bring Back the Friendship Train

Dear Reader: When Doodle called to let me know that there was an article in the Post and Courier (Sunday newspaper)  remembering the 1948 Abraham Lincoln Friendship train…it brought back memories of the fictional children’s story I wrote about this incident several … Continue reading

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Making Broken Hearts Whole Again…For All of Us

Dear Reader: I saw an article that touched my heart a couple of weeks ago…so I stored it up among my “favorites” to bring out on a special day…and Valentines is that special day…the day of hearts. The day of … Continue reading

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No Thing (Nothing) Will Stay the Same…Thankfully!

Dear Reader: I believe the longer we live the greater our respect for time and change become. As much as we profess to dislike change… with all its uncertainties.. the more we realize that it is the changes in us, … Continue reading

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It’s Not the Sticks Around Us…

Dear Reader: Guess whose birthday it is today? Why President Lincoln’s of course. I don’t do math for a profession but if my calculator is right…our Mr. Lincoln is 209 years old….being born February 12, 1809. Last week I stopped … Continue reading

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Hanging on to the Hem of Love

Dear Reader: Like many Americans I watched in awe and excitement at the Opening Ceremony for the 2018 Winter Olympics Friday evening…the pageantry and comaraderie…the sense of hope for peace and global understanding…if only for those precious moments. Of course … Continue reading

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Changing Our Own Story Line…

Dear Reader: Do you remember that momentous moment in your life when you realized that you had been trying to follow someone else’s path and not your own? Twice prior to my teaching career…I had opportunities to switch majors over … Continue reading

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A Little Irish Monkey Business…and More at Home

Dear Reader: I love historical stories with a fun twist and last Sunday as Tommy, Kaitlyn, and I were eating our brunch/lunch….Tommy was checking the beer selection and commented to Kaitlyn…he wondered if they had Tojo Pale Ale. Kaitlyn laughed … Continue reading

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Man’s Sacred Covenant with the Creatures of the Earth

  Dear Reader: Haven’t we always wondered about what happens to our beloved pets when they die? Don’t we want reassurance that we will see them again, also, in another life? I have heard so many people talk about seeing … Continue reading

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