Category Archives: Uncategorized

Only One You

Dear Reader: I have a kindness website that pops up occasionally sharing random acts of kindness and also planned acts of kindness…this idea, today, falls under the latter. This is a story of an art teacher who came up with … Continue reading

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The Power of Inscriptions and Park Benches

Dear Reader: When we think about what we can leave behind that might help someone else along their journey long after we are gone…sometimes that “what” can be something as simple as an inscription or quote to let someone else … Continue reading

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“I’m Fine”

Dear Reader: I have been accused by others of being a “Just Fine’er” and they are right. When people ask casually  “How are you?” I figure they really don’t want a verbal dissertation on a decade of continued cancer treatments…and … Continue reading

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The Garden of Time

Dear Reader: Late each afternoon when I walk around the garden to see how the plants are holding up, especially new arrivals, I notice how location is so important in their ability to thrive. Some prefer morning or afternoon light, … Continue reading

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When Things Go Wrong, Don’t Go Wrong with Them

Dear Reader: Don’t you remember swinging upside down and how cool the world looked head down instead of head up. Even Eloise loves to play “horsie” and wait in anticipation for the horse to fall down so she can lie … Continue reading

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“A Life Lived With Love is Enough”

(Digital Painting by Jeremiah Morelli) Dear Reader: Oh how I love this scene…Lanterns and books leading me on my path through life amid shrouded misty mysteries…I can’t imagine anything more perfect-two of my all-time favorite images! This is one of … Continue reading

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A Meal Together…”A Ceremony of the Ordinary”

Dear Reader: How I longed for years, when the children were growing up, to never again hear the same repeated daily question, “What’s for dinner?” If only (I would daydream) we could eliminate meals (prepared by me) from the daily … Continue reading

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A Viking and Three Mermaids sailed into Summerville

Dear Reader: Isn’t the greatest thing about life…happy surprises? Honey called me last week and said, “Guess what? Kewin and Rikke Larsen are coming to the mountains to stay with Mike and me a few days and then heading to … Continue reading

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A Gift of Summerville History

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I was so filled with anticipation that I could hardly stand myself! Beth Brewer emailed me Tuesday evening to ask if I would be interested in a manettia vine, originally from her Uncle Frank’s yard. Uncle … Continue reading

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“Living with Faith and Hope in the Small Corners of our Lives”

Dear Reader: I have done several blogs on nooks and crannies…I have been drawn to the corners of life since I was a little girl. Nooks and crannies were my favorite places to hide out and live in throughout my … Continue reading

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