Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Wisdom of Proverbs

Dear Reader: From the Bible to ancient cultures around the world proverbs bring palatable morsels of wisdom.. Or as the dictionary defines: Definition of proverb – a short, well-known saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice.  More importantly … Continue reading

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More Open Than Usual

Dear Reader: The courage and true spirit of humanity is never greater than in the worse, deplorable conditions. I just finished reading several articles on ‘The Blitz’ period of World War II. Germany decided to bring England ‘to her knees” … Continue reading

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All Families are Composites of Stories

Dear Reader: If all “families are composites of stories” this mother duck has layers upon layers of stories ready to be stored up from her 76 ducklings. *(I thought 76 was only for trombones in The Music Man.) (Excerpt from … Continue reading

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Stop Over-thinking and Do More Over-Living

Dear Reader: When I saw this latest painting by Kelly Rae Roberts….I thought this image was the closest art similarity to the way my mind works…that I have ever seen on canvas. I have often wished that I could lock … Continue reading

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The “Tricycle Principle”

Dear Reader: Awhile back I caught a 50th anniversary CBS program on Charles Kuralt and his “On the Road “ stories and videos. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed watching him meet people from places all over this country. … Continue reading

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Should We Offer a New Course on How Not to be Coarse?

Dear Reader: Some days I feel lifted by an act of kindness observed or words of gratitude I over hear in daily conversations. These types of incidences make my day…I return home with a smile and a great memory of … Continue reading

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Are You Doing Well or Are You Doing Good?

Dear Reader: Dear Reader: Just a small reflection today on how little attention we give to popular expressions when, in reality, there is quite a bit of difference between many of them. In fact, the differences can be life-altering. This … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: It never ceases to amaze me how one stray, idle thought can suddenly take us back in time to a person or memory long forgotten. Freddy Jones. Freddy and his family lived at the very edge of our … Continue reading

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“We are All a Little Broken…and That’s Okay”

Dear Reader: As I mentioned yesterday…I cherish the time I have with one grandchild alone because I can finally talk to each one without interruptions. I get to listen to their hopes, dreams, and disappointments. They tell me things they … Continue reading

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Remember Who You Wanted to Be?

Dear Reader: I love Kelly Rae Roberts’ most recent blog. In it she is describing the dual feelings of watching her son, now eight, become more independent while her heart-strings still want him to need her. Yesterday, I began experiencing … Continue reading

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