Category Archives: Uncategorized

Take Two…Let’s Try This Again!

Dear Reader: At the top of Mandy’s chalkboard is the phrase: Home is where your stories begin. How true this statement is. It has taken some time for me to realize that the every day events in my life WERE and … Continue reading

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When Things Go Wrong…Stick Out Your Tongue!

Dear Reader: When things go wrong…take a deep breath…salute your formidable opponent with good grace and then go to bed. My plan, upon returning home last evening, was to gather all the fun pictures over the weekend and just make … Continue reading

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The Fall Equinox Has Arrived! Ode to Joy!

Dear Reader: Yesterday while the birthday revelers were “reveling” and the Race for the Cure racers were “racing”…autumn crept in quietly with little or no fanfare. But oh…what a welcoming sight it is for us lowcountry natives who have endured … Continue reading

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And the Beat Goes On…

Dear Reader: It’s that time again…Jake and my birthday weekend…even though our real birthday is Monday September 24. Can it really have been four years since Jake came into our lives? Jake wasn’t even supposed to be around on the … Continue reading

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Observations of an Ordinary Day

Dear Reader: Yesterday started out pretty ordinary…but evolved throughout the day into something quite extraordinary! The painting above is a fence mural (of fairies playing in the woods) that caught my attention while having an impromptu birthday lunch at the … Continue reading

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Dusting Off “Frugality” and Making It Work For Us

Dear Reader: Because it’s commonly misconstrued to mean cheap, “frugality” is thought of as a bad word. But in reality, there is a big difference between being frugal and being cheap. Several years ago, while talking to a friend at … Continue reading

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The “Blinders” in Life

Dear Reader: “Blindness” comes in so many different forms…but there is one, as a writer now, that I face every single day while working on my blog posts…the blindness of typo’s. This particular blindness never fails to astound me. I … Continue reading

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The Beautiful Journey of Becoming

Dear Reader: I was delightfully surprised yesterday to discover the HOPE cloth letters were still hanging from my back deck rails…being held up by little pin tacks (left over from teaching days!) Way to go HOPE I thought to myself! … Continue reading

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Rocking Through Rocky Weather…From the Mountains, to the Midlands, to the Coast

Dear Reader: What is it about a rocking chair? I love them…I think it is just the rhythm and aimless motion that soothes us as adults like it did when we were babies and toddlers. The first thing the Ya’s … Continue reading

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When Hurricanes Turn into “Whangdoodles”

Dear Reader: What is that old Robert Burns quote again…“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” This quote pretty well sums up our mountain retreat because (Hurricane Florence) “Slow Flo” decided to go with the old adage … Continue reading

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