Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Never Too Late to Choose Love

Dear Reader: The other day I scrubbed and scrubbed my refrigerator on the B&B side with at least three different anti-rust solutions…to no avail… the fridge door was squeaky clean but still rusty. So I ordered another stick-on poster by … Continue reading

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It All Starts with a Seed…

Dear Reader: These days…the only plants I plant by seed are my moon flower vines. I must admit that there is an extra thrill when you press a seed into the ground….knowing that magic…will one day come spewing forth in … Continue reading

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Go on the “Time Excuse” Diet

Dear Reader: Are you like millions of us who are wondering ….’Is it just me…or does time seem to be going faster and faster?‘ Research tells us, due to continuously evolving technology, people today are experiencing living in the “fastest … Continue reading

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The Crown of Thorns

Dear Reader: As everything in my yard and garden is starting to wither away… my succulents…named appropriately the “Crown of Thorns” can take the 100 plus heat with drought and keep on keeping on. In hindsight if any of us … Continue reading

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Welcoming Life’s Interruptions

Dear Reader: Unless we have won the lottery, don’t most of us dislike daily interruptions…like solicitor’s calls, long-winded great aunt Phoebe, canned reminders of this or that appointment still weeks away, or a stomach virus  call from school about your … Continue reading

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Free to Be Me

Dear Reader: When I think back to the first time I was cognizant of the word “freedom” it came only after I had felt it as a child in the form of summer. Didn’t the days seem endless back then? … Continue reading

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The Land of the Free… because of the Brave

Dear Reader: When I came across this Guidepost Memorial Day Remembrance story it took me back in time. One thing I am very glad about is that I don’t have to be a teenager again…in this life time. Isn’t it … Continue reading

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The Shared Love of Mr. Lincoln’s Rose

Dear Reader: When I went back out yesterday the second bud on the Mr. Lincoln’s Rose bush had opened and was beautiful. The bloom from Friday, however, had already spotted up (white spots) and lost its deep deep beauty. Someone … Continue reading

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“Let’s Pay Attention to the Good”

Dear Reader: As I rode by Hutchinson Square Friday morning…my eyes lit up with joy! The most beautiful sight beheld me… dozens of gorgeous pastel umbrellas filled the lawn in the park area. I couldn’t wait to find out what … Continue reading

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Love Can Be Murder

Dear Reader: Over the last three days both Anne and Cindy have excitedly “messengered” me to let me know that while we wait for Louise Penny’s latest detective book to arrive August 27 (the 15th in the series)…Penny has taken … Continue reading

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