Category Archives: Uncategorized

“A Life Well Loved…”

Dear Reader: At the stage of life I am living presently…I have been given time to mull over so many accumulated memories that collectively represent a “life well loved.” I know this deep down in my heart and soul…and no … Continue reading

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When a “Break” and a “Cut” Change Your Garden Pause Moment

Dear Reader: Yesterday I planted more lantana early in the morning and it was a good thing…because it poured on and off from lunch time on…buckets and buckets of showers came down. It was the perfect day for cat naps…like … Continue reading

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Nature’s Reach for Life

Dear Reader: I love flowering vines…like the morning glories and the moon flowers because I am always in awe of the vines reaching out into nothing-ness…sheer air…as if somehow knowing there is a trellis or fence or some kind of … Continue reading

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…And the Story Continues…The Pride of Summerville

Dear Reader: I should have known many of you readers remembered different tidbits about the original nursery that is still producing hundreds and hundreds of morning glory blooms along Highway 78. Jo Dufford was able to supply most of the … Continue reading

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Walking in Wonder

Dear Reader: Do you remember the day before yesterday when I was bragging on the number of morning glories blooming on one of my morning glory stalks… due to the recent rains…there were maybe five or six blooms? Well…check out … Continue reading

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The Power of Holding Hands

Dear Reader: Last Christmas Eve when Eva Cate and Rutledge helped me act out one part of the Christmas Eve story “When Christmas Stood Still”…they had to hold hands and repeat three times “Trust in love, Trust in love, Trust … Continue reading

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Seventy-five Years Ago…the Triumphs, Tragedies, and Brilliant Trickeries of the Invasion of D-Day

An inflatable dummy tank modelled after the M4 Sherman during Operation Fortitude, Southern England, United Kingdom, 1944. (Photo by Galerie Bilderwelt/Getty Images) Dear Reader: June 6, 1944, the 75th Anniversary of the famous D-Day Invasion of Normandy is today…the day (literally) … Continue reading

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“You’ve Don’t Know What You’ve Got…Til’ it’s Gone”

Dear Reader: “Blessings from heaven” probably means different things to different people but for all of us, in the lowcountry, it means rain…and yesterday we got it! A nice, slow, steady rain…the kind we have been praying for over the … Continue reading

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A God Wink in the Early Morning Garden

  Dear Reader: Yesterday I woke up around 6:30… refreshed and ready to pounce on the day…I wanted to water early, go by the utilities (electric/water) buildings and pay this month’s bills…followed by the bank and always remember to pick … Continue reading

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Connecting Thoughts from Different Friends on any Given Day

Dear Reader: These days Imodium is my best friend…I don’t go anywhere without it. I try to keep reminding myself that these stomach issues that started with the switch to another daily chemo regime is temporary and hopefully will acclimate … Continue reading

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