Category Archives: Uncategorized

Celebrating Happiness, Not Comparing It!

Dear Reader: Oh…the joy of being alive to see how my definition of happiness has altered throughout all the stages of my life. At the present moment…my happiness is being surrounded with close friends and family. I finally have it…it … Continue reading

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1816- The Year Without a Summer

Dear Reader: As we move into July….a predicted hot, hot, hot July with little relief from rain or other outdoor cooling opportunities…we forget that just a little over  two hundred years ago….parts of North America, Asia, and Europe were buried … Continue reading

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Are You Already “Oversummered” and It Isn’t Even the Fourth Yet?

Dear Reader: To “oversummer” means to survive summer. Since May was the hottest “spring” month we ever had on record…it feels like summer has been here forever! Our new “old” summer wardrobe looks as wilted as we feel…since most low … Continue reading

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“Know Thyself”

Dear Reader: How many times in educational classes in college did we hear a professor quote Socrates with one of his most familiar mantras…”Know Thyself.” It was like it was the end-all response to just about any question in life…like … Continue reading

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Cobwebs in the Attic

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a “cobweb in the brain” day! Ever had one of those? It’s not really a headache as such…or if it is…only a hint of one deep back in the recesses of the mind…it feels more like … Continue reading

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Building Blocks of Life and Laughter

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning while I was waiting to be called back for my annual physical at my wonderful Dr. Montoya’s office…I was kept amused by a small child…maybe 9 months or so (barely crawling but not walking)…who was sitting … Continue reading

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Grits are Delicious…But It Only Takes One “True Grit” to be a Success!

Dear Reader: Every Ya will tell you, hands down, that Brooke makes the best grits. While vacationing on any of our retreats she makes a big breakfast one morning  for all of us…. getting up early and ‘putting the grits … Continue reading

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Not Feeling Our Best…But We’re Still Blessed

Dear Reader: I don’t know where Gin-g finds so many cute cards that are right on target….but when I got home from Mt. Pleasant yesterday afternoon I immediately fell sound asleep. When I woke up I went to check my … Continue reading

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Getting on the Right List

Dear Reader: Doesn’t life sometimes seem like a pile of lists that we have to check off to get through it? From the time we are little we all learn about lists…the list who shows which teacher we got for … Continue reading

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“Love is to People What Water is to Plants”

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning we had an unexpected thunder shower that hit in the wee pre-dawn hours. The lightning and thunder woke me up. I was doubly surprised since it had not even been forecast. I vaguely remember smiling to … Continue reading

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