Category Archives: Uncategorized

Stop the Helicopter Parenting and Relax!

Dear Reader: As much as we parents and grandparents want to lead…and guide our children and grandchildren around all the daily obstacles that come with the ‘art’ of growing up…the best results at the end of the journey come when … Continue reading

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Little Eyes are Looking…Mirroring Our Behavior

Dear Reader: Yesterday Ann and I had a conversation (during her last chemo infusion) about how important it is to remember that children and youth’s eyes are watching us to see how we handle different diversities of problems. In Ann’s … Continue reading

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The Etymology Behind Libby’s Original Catch-Phrases

Dear Reader: When it comes to storytelling…Libby is the champion. Her true stories of just plain daily life in her world will keep you in stitches. Only she can experience the most bizarre circumstances imaginable (that a sitcom writer couldn’t … Continue reading

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The High Price of a Day…Each Day

Dear Reader: Some days I think remind us of a past day so we can better understand how priceless the wonder and mystery of any ordinary day can be. This is the beginning of a new day. I have been … Continue reading

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When Freedom Finally Came to America

Dear Reader: I have started reading David McCullough’s The Pioneers and as usual, am riveted to all the history of our country told in good old storytelling fashion. I love learning new things about the one subject I have adored … Continue reading

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Happiness and Strength… Go Hand in Hand

Dear Reader: Have you ever considered that happiness and strength are one and the same? Think about it…when someone enters a room whose personality is upbeat and happy…doesn’t a sense of strength and confidence  exude from this person? People are … Continue reading

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The Good Old Days Are Still to Come

Dear Reader: More and more lately I find myself purposefully pausing in the midst of family gatherings (with all the fun and craziness associated with them) to ponder the moment. *Before most of the family crowd arrived last Thursday (July … Continue reading

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Independence is Always Based on Dependence

Dear Reader: It finally happened! Wednesday evening the booming sounds heard from far off gradually grew closer and closer until lightning was flashing outside my front windows. The electricity flickered…*I had just run out minutes before to roll up my … Continue reading

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Quiet Fireworks on the Fourth-An Oxymoron that is Catching On

Dear Reader: Traditional fireworks that increasingly brag about being bigger, better, and louder than previous years… are now being re-examined by many Canadians and Italians…can America be far behind? We all are aware that the loud fireworks from July the … Continue reading

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Daily Divine Messages

Dear Reader: When I came across this sample bumper sticker in a magazine article (on humorous bumper stickers) Monday while waiting on my appointment to see my oncologist…I laughed out loud, in the waiting room, because it brought back a … Continue reading

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