Category Archives: Uncategorized

Do-Over Day!!! I Feel Like a New Woman!!!!

Dear Reader: Joy takes so many forms in life but yesterday it appeared in the form of a hot frothy shower-( I was sitting in a shower chair that only added to my sheer delight in what felt like what … Continue reading

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What a Difference a Day Makes

Dear Reader: Remember yesterday…when you were reading Wednesday’s post and it was just filled with pictures of beautiful flowers, gardens and scenic novelties, amid other signs of autumn’s unique charm? We discussed how important it was to take in the … Continue reading

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An Autumn Picture Perfect Story…

The funniest thing happened yesterday… timing could not have been more perfect! Mandy bravely grabbed the razor and we went outside on the deck where she removed stray lipsy old hair that only grew in certain areas that I couldn’t … Continue reading

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Trust Your Intuition Over Your Anxiety

Dear Reader: Didn’t many of us grow up having to memorize Descartes’ quotes on thinking…. like… If you happen to be an overthinker… like me… you can really do a number on yourself and … NOT in a positive way.! … Continue reading

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Amazing Math

Dear Reader: If you live long enough , you end up eating words and expressions you thought you never would. Especially at a time when any kind eating is a struggle. My son-in law , John, loves math… so he … Continue reading

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Really! One More Obstacle?????

Dear Reader: Ever since being at John and Mandy’s I live from cocoon to cocoon to cocoon. The girls have been bringing in sweatpants, shirts and layers of-t-shirts…. I feel like a pig in a blanket! I know Dr Jeter … Continue reading

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I Found the Northwest Passage!!!!!!

You didn’t know your old post writer for over 15 years was also a newly recognized trailblazer for any one like me desperately trying to the find the right river fall to topple nutrient’s into the basin -stomach. My niece … Continue reading

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There is a Balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul

Dear Reader: This title of my most favorite song I hummed all last night awaiting news of Ben’s surgical procedure is the most comforting song to me 1 have ever heard… I can hear it today and still remember the … Continue reading

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What a Day!

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a very busy day! I am totally exhausted so the post will be short. Tommy and Mandy took me home to pick up my mail Vickie collected , essentials I needed and to blow a kiss … Continue reading

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Life, like a stream, never stops winding or hanging

Dear Reader: Yesterday was the hardest day… separating from my Ya’s but this year even more surprises were in store. My ” children” had gathered together and from the Ya’s updates about the good and not so good days -health … Continue reading

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