Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Power of Sunbeams

    Dear Reader: Some of my most favorite quotes deal with the mysticism of sunbeams (as cited in the examples below:) “I am always humbled by the infinite ingenuity of the Lord, who can make a red barn cast a … Continue reading

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And Into the “Garden” I Go, to Lose My Mind and Find My Soul…

Dear Reader: Well…yesterday I didn’t go in the woods like Thoreau to live or find a path less traveled like Frost…I just wanted some quiet time in my garden sanctuary. I felt like finding a big, big blanket and wrapping … Continue reading

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Discovering the Spiritual in the Everyday

Dear Reader: I know that I am one of those weird people who actually likes to pay the monthly bills…I just can’t help myself. I find such a deep satisfaction in paying my bills in full…while gleefully picturing the frustration … Continue reading

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“Somebody Really Ought to Do Something About That!”

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all been guilty of watching something on a talk show, or the news, or even hearing about something right in our own community that completely ‘unsettles’ us from our daily routine of complacency? Something that seems … Continue reading

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Becoming the Journey…

Dear Reader: At the funeral service, for fellow friend and educator, Ellen Styles yesterday afternoon… I think the visual quote above could have summed her life up completely. Ellen, was one of those people, whom you wanted to be around … Continue reading

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A Trendsetter Since 1670- Charleston Gets Ready to Celebrate its 350th Birthday in 2020

Dear Reader: As a South Carolina history teacher for three decades…I feel like Charleston is home to me in so many ways. And our state history always started with a little boat called The Carolina when it pulled into what is … Continue reading

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Back in the Saddle Again…

Dear Reader: I did it…oh how it saddens me to take down the Christmas decorations but I knew it was time. The top string of lights on the tree had gone out…the apple tree collapsed with bruised apples flying everywhere, … Continue reading

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Want a New Magical Year? Be Kind!

Dear Reader: Yesterday I experienced something quite magical…due to the timing of the incident. Something good actually came out of my frantic search for the book To Bless This Space Between Us. I found (tucked away in the back of one … Continue reading

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Let’s Put Our Fears Behind and Start Our Brave New World in 2020

Dear Reader: This is a short post today because I just have one thought I would like to share with all of us starting a new year and a clean slate on life. I accidentally came across this observation by … Continue reading

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“Hindsight is 20/20” as We Enter 2020!

Dear Reader: Before Anne left for Florida with family for the holidays she had made a connection that she thought I would have fun with as a post introducing the new year. She was right…a great early Christmas present. I … Continue reading

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