Category Archives: Uncategorized

A New Look at My Old Home

Dear Reader: Isn’t it strange that we can see our home every day for umpteen years and then one day we see it from a different angle and it takes a minute to recognize it as ours? This is the … Continue reading

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Do You Have a Dream?

Dear Reader: One big difference in Martin Luther King’s memorial celebration is that it is not about a day off (even though for many students and teachers alike, it is gratefully just that…. ) but it is a day “on” … Continue reading

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A Short but Important Response Example on Kindness

Dear Reader: Many of you living in the area and others just visiting Charleston have probably heard the name of this restaurant- Hyman’s Seafood. It has become an historical culinary benchmark in downtown Charleston. It was 1986 when the great grandsons … Continue reading

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The Comeback of Kindnesss

Dear Reader: If you think you hear  words and phrases like…kind, kindness, random acts of kindness, intentional acts of kindness, kindness and grace, kill them with kindness, one of a kind, the milk of human kindness, you get farther with … Continue reading

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Building Our Foundation in Life…. On Rock or Sand?

(Artist- Jonathan Hopper) Dear Reader: I came across an observation by Madeleine L’ Engle that caused me pause and memories of earlier crossroads where I had to find my footing again… and decide if it was now on solid rock … Continue reading

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“Acting Our Age”

Dear Reader: As a teacher and mother I have been as guilty as anyone else of misusing the phrase “Act your age please!”   One too many “So and so started it…why aren’t you yelling at so and so…why do … Continue reading

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Staying Unsettled…

Dear Reader: For the past few days the weather here in the Lowcountry has been unsettled…unusually warm temps for January, intermittent rain showers, fog…repeated over and over each day like we are stuck in ‘Groundhog Day’ mode… and now the … Continue reading

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Humans are Wired to Learn Through Stories

Dear Reader: I had my latest epiphany  yesterday while watching a cooking show on ETV. I honestly can’t remember the name of this particular cook…a man from Greece I believe…but the title of his show contained his name and then … Continue reading

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The Stone Within Us…

Dear Reader: Isn’t it a tingly feeling to think that the same Creator Who did create the mountains, oceans, and stars also thought that “the world needed one of us too” in it? A statement like that makes us feel … Continue reading

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My Life is Based on a True Story

Dear Reader: In the Sarah Addison Allen sequel to Garden Spells (First Frost) one of the main characters’ teenage daughter, Bay, wears fun, creative t-shirts to high school daily. Examples like: “I have not yet begun to procrastinate.” “Either you … Continue reading

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