Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Amazing Story of How One Idea Can Create a New Life Story

Dear Reader: Another mid-winter retreat that stands out for me from the rest was the legend of the Pawleys Island Shell. I remember the year was 2017 and I did some research before we left looking for local historical places … Continue reading

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“Gone Fishing!” (Nah…Gone “Booking!’)

Dear Reader: Since this is our 10th Mid-Winter Retreat Edition…I want to remember one small incident from the past few years each day we are here…. Thought I would start with Libby’s famous Press N’SealĀ (from last year-March 2019) her brilliant … Continue reading

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The Rendezvous to Start the Pawleys Mid-Winter Retreat

  Dear Reader: For ten years (2010-2020) three of the Ya’s have kicked off the Ya Mid-Winter Retreat by meeting in Georgetown at the famous River Room Restaurant for lunch. Brooke picks me up from Walterboro and we head to … Continue reading

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When Someone’s Heart Talks…LISTEN!

Dear Reader: When Someone Deeply Listens to You When someone deeply listens to you it is like holding out a dented cup you’ve had since childhood and watching it fill up with cold, fresh water. When it balances on top … Continue reading

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The Day that Restored Hope

Dear Reader: Valentines Day might be the day for love and hugs but yesterday, February 3, was my day for hope and restored strength…gifts more precious than jewels. Thank you Father for blue skies, warm temperatures, kind people, and fresh … Continue reading

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When Miracles are People, not Things

Dear Reader: Yesterday when we discussed the importance of setting a personal mission goal to interact with another human being each day…I forgot to add that by doing so…we can be transforming into miracles within ourselves… many times never knowing … Continue reading

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Smart People are Kinder!

Dear Reader: As soon as I read the words on the coffee cup I immediately thought of Father Kavanagh from the Mitford Series. He started each day with his thoughts centered on asking God to help him make a difference … Continue reading

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Counting Crows

Dear Reader: In spite of adverse conditions yesterday (pretty much the norm these days) I ventured out for the first time to pick up some barbecue in Ridgeville to freeze and take to Pawleys this Thursday when the Ya’s have … Continue reading

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God is Working While We Wait

Dear Reader: Waiting is given a bad rap in today’s society. Your boss wants the answer right not…not ten minutes from now. All of the new “computer games and communication gadets” promote less waiting time on their new network – … Continue reading

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The North West Region Decided to Visit Lowcountry South Carolina and Stay

Dear Reader: It must really be easy to be a weatherman these days in our lowcountry area…”Chance of rain, wind, forties, fifties…almost making sixty…before bellowing dark clouds move back in and then more rain….to be repeated tomorrow. “And you have … Continue reading

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