Dear Reader:
Waiting is given a bad rap in today’s society. Your boss wants the answer right not…not ten minutes from now. All of the new “computer games and communication gadets” promote less waiting time on their new network – time saved over their competitors.
“Everything promoted these days used similar phrases …the most popular being “Save time!” ….this catch phrase catches lots and lots of customers. The question we need to be asking ourselves is ‘What are we saving time for…how do we want to use our extra time?”
God purposefully uses waiting time because He, unlike modern society, understand the true purpose in waiting and the life-changing alternatives that enables humans to see the world around us differently.
“God wants us to live by discernment—revelation knowledge, not head knowledge. It’s difficult to exercise discernment if you’re always trying to figure everything out. But when you’re willing to say, “God, I can’t figure this out, so I’m going to trust You to give me revelation that will set me free,” then you can be comfortable in spite of not knowing.
Trusting God often requires not knowing how God is going to accomplish what needs to be done and not knowing when He will do it. We often say God is never late, but generally He isn’t early either. Why? Because He uses times of waiting to stretch our faith in Him and to bring about change and growth in our lives.
(Accepting God’s timing)
“God gives us hopes and dreams for certain things to happen in our lives, but He doesn’t always allow us to see the exact timing of His plan. Although frustrating, not knowing the exact timing is often what keeps us in the program. There are times when we might give up if we knew how long it was going to take, but when we accept God’s timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while God is working on our problems. We know that God’s plan for our lives is good, and when we entrust ourselves to Him, we can experience total peace and happiness for each day we are given.”
*(Resource: “When God’s Timing is Taking Too Long”– Joyce Meyer)
So until tomorrow: I trusted in, relied on, and was confident in You, O Lord; I said, You are my God. My times are in Your hands”… Psalm 31: 14-15
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
*Shout-out to Gin-g! Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful weekend at Folly!!!!