Category Archives: Uncategorized

Looking for a Rare Treasure? Look Into the Human Face

Dear Reader: I remember as a child hating going into old antique stores with my aunts and great-aunts. It was their favorite thing to do but at seven or eight…those stores smelled musty and moldy and dusty to me. I … Continue reading

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Always Follow the Natural Path…Be True to Yourself

Dear Reader: It has taken me almost a lifetime to fully recognize the importance of staying on my own, unique natural path in life..not the high maintenance kind where every leaf, bush, and tree is in place. What got me … Continue reading

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Whew! We Don’t Have to Save the World!

Dear Reader: Haven’t we all known people in our lives who seem to have not gotten the message that they, themselves, don’t have to save the world? I remember grandmother shaking her head when a certain woman would arrive from … Continue reading

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Aging Tenderly with Grace and Gentleness

Dear Reader: Yesterday I had lunch out with friends and as I was paying my bill…I noticed the sign (above) on the wall adjacent to our booth. Immediately…my thoughts transferred  ‘tender steaks that have aged’  to a different direction and … Continue reading

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The Well-Preserved Beauty of Edisto Island

Dear Reader: A book sure can be a life-saver, can’t it…when it arrives at just the perfect time! This happened last week. Brooke told me about a book some friends gave her…a fictional story set on Edisto Island in the … Continue reading

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Reflections on a ‘Frosty Morn’…

Dear Reader: The human memory never ceases to amaze me…like Carol Poole remembering the little story of the bird with limited wing capacity but plenty of song left in her. That story would have been lost forever in my memory … Continue reading

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The Little Bird Who Lost Its Wings… but Found Its Voice

Dear Reader: One of the nicest things about people following one’s stories through the form of a blog post…is that some of these amazing people… who played such distinctive and memorable roles in your life…remember parts of your own story … Continue reading

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When To Treat Yourself…to Your Favorite Comfort Food!

Dear Reader: Many of you probably suspected that my post yesterday on beauty and bravery might have been hitting  pretty close to home ….it was. I was so antsy yesterday I couldn’t sit still long…so that is what drove me … Continue reading

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The Acceptance that Life is Messy and Unpredictable…is Important!

Dear Reader: Life’s messy and unpredictable. You don’t have to like every moment of it or every circumstance you find yourself in. However, by being willing to accept that you can’t change the moment, you are adding to your growth … Continue reading

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Special Covenants with All God’s Creatures

Dear Reader: Some of you, probably like me, watched the conclusion to the Hallmark American Rescue Dog Show Monday night. It is obviously unlike most dog shows since “Sugar,” the beautiful dog on the left, won and his category was reacting … Continue reading

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