Category Archives: Uncategorized

Run-Away Childhoods…They End Too Soon!

Dear Reader: Like Rutledge, Lachlan, and Eloise…it had been weeks on end since I saw Jake and Eva Cate. But Saturday night I babysat while John and Mandy grabbed some precious “alone” time for dinner at the Mustard Seed to … Continue reading

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God’s Amazing Wardrobe

Dear Reader: “Nature is the living, visible garment of God.” Goethe Now I will never have to wonder again what God will be wearing tomorrow….a thought I have had since a child….”What does God wear every day?” After coming across … Continue reading

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“Timely” Issues and “Queen-agers”

Dear Reader: Get ready…here we go again…it is time to spring forward an hour tonight into…a lot of changes for our sleep habits, daily habits, and health issues…which create some challenging situations. But can we blame Ben Franklin for putting … Continue reading

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Potato Chips Saved the Day!

Dear Reader: I thought I was ready for Miss Eloise yesterday morning as I arrived at her house in the pouring rain…I had gotten her a new Touch and Feel book as well as Peek-a -Flap book, two of her … Continue reading

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The Great American Heroes Among Us

Dear Reader: I had just gotten back from the Oncology Center yesterday afternoon (to pick up my monthly medicines) and was already climbing out of my soaked raincoat and back into “Pinkie” my most faithful comfy robe…when I heard a … Continue reading

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Nature and Worship…An Added Grace of Peace and Serenity

Dear Reader: I love the big oaks with the swaying Spanish moss that seem to lean over our sanctuary with protecting arms. If these trees could talk…what sights and stories they could share…starting with the exploratory history of the first … Continue reading

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Your Soul Always Knows the Way

Dear Reader: Some days isn’t it hard to try to figure out where to start the day, how to prioritize the check-off list, and finally how to land where you should have been all along…in a place of peace? Such … Continue reading

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March Came in Like a LAMB!

Dear Reader: After all the cloudy days, chilly days and rainy days we have experienced this winter…yesterday March came in like the sweetest little lamb you ever saw….warm, sunny disposition, blue skies and an euphoria of happiness prevailed on the … Continue reading

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Making Those Important Life “Deposits”

Dear Reader: I have often thought that there ought to be more templates available for different deposit slips that have nothing to do with money or finance…instead they are deposit slips that can be used each time we do something … Continue reading

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What To Take into a New Frontier…

Dear Reader: All of us are becoming aware (slowly or suddenly) of a very real situation that is coming faster than we imagined…the ‘frontier’ of the Caronavirus….in other words…the “unknown” and “uncertainty” of the potential and the reality of this … Continue reading

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