Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning to be Comfortable Just Being…Me!

Dear Reader: If I am being completely honest with myself…I, sometimes, think I did more with less where I was… at the busiest time in my life… than I do now with an abundance of time. Yet…I still wouldn’t go … Continue reading

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Faith is Fluid…

Dear Reader: Once we realize that the one “constant” in life we can not change is change itself…the better off we are. As much as most of us would love to see an ending to this pandemic…we are beginning to … Continue reading

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We Can Be Uncertain in Life…And Still Be Certain of God’s Love

Dear Reader: These days…everything seems different. Sometimes it is so subtle I almost overlook the clues that I am in a different place  than I was years ago…and especially these days…where I was just months or weeks ago. Back when…I … Continue reading

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The Magical “Good” Glasses

Dear Reader: It is strange but as soon as I saw and read the visual message from the “natural life chirp” yesterday (today’s title visual post)… I imagined a pair of “magical” eyeglasses that allowed the viewer to only see … Continue reading

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“The Bright Lamp of Knowledge”

Dear Reader: The garden stepping stone in front of some fresh flowers at the house appeared via UPS (from Jo and Colby) yesterday afternoon…early birthday present. I love it…as soon as the flowers wilt I will place it in the garden…the … Continue reading

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Ancient Proverb: “Gifts Are Meant To Travel”

Dear Reader: Aren’t the greatest gifts we can give people…internal? When we give the gifts of love, friendship, loyalty, dignity, compassion, humility, joy, and courage to another…don’t these mobile qualities (now secured within another recipient) travel with them throughout their … Continue reading

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The Gift of Transformation

  Dear Reader: I realized one night when I was tossing and turning that my ‘play by play’ memories of things from the past…people, experiences, and especially comments (both to and from me) still have the power to unsettle me … Continue reading

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The Importance of Conveying Smiles Behind Our Masks

Dear Reader: CBS correspondent, Jim Axelrod, shared an important observation recently he experienced. It left him wondering ‘How do we let a person (persons) we are communicating with know we are truly smiling behind our face masks?’ (Yes…I have seen … Continue reading

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A Deja Vu Moment…Looking Back

Dear Reader: If you are feeling that you have seen this title picture somewhere before …you have…you aren’t experiencing deja vu…actually Cindy Ashley (who just gave me the cardinal mask Saturday) sent it to me almost two years ago when … Continue reading

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Learning to “Breathe” in Our Lives

Dear Reader: Like me, do you find yourself holding your breath involuntarily at different times? It can happen if my iPhone volume is on too high and I experience a startled jump, or if I am interrupted while deeply absorbed … Continue reading

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