Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Gift of Solitude

Dear Reader: I followed John O’Donohue’s last stanza directions on how to spend my birthday yesterday…I did it in solitude. On this echoing-day of your birth, May you open the gift of solitude In order to receive your soul; Enter … Continue reading

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“The Echoing Day of Our Birth”

Dear Reader: The most beautiful moon flower blossom to date…one that secretly bloomed during the night, bloomed in an azalea bush instead of on the trellis…thus putting it in the path of the morning light that shone through the exquisite … Continue reading

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Let Life Surprise You

Dear Reader: Wouldn’t life be extremely dull if we knew everything that was going to happen ahead of time? If we lived in a world with no surprises? The best thing is… surprises don’t have to be big…in fact, in … Continue reading

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Loving Life…

Dear Reader: These days it is very easy to be in love with life in nature…every minute of it. Mums, pumpkins, butterflies, gords, chilly nights and cool mornings. Truly…what is there not to love about the favorite season world-wide…Autumn? And … Continue reading

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What Surprise Will We All See…With our “Last Gasp”

Dear Reader: Anne sent me one of Quinn Caldwell’s recent devotionals….she knows how much I enjoy his takes on life with all its surrounding circumstances and complications. In this devotional he was concentrating on the musical “Hamilton” and the mystery … Continue reading

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A Long Awaited Rendezvous…

  Dear Reader: When I “laid my eyes” on my college roommate, my sister in all ways but biological, my friend forever-Brookie…I knew Covid had to take a backseat…while we physically hugged. I told God we needed Him to protect … Continue reading

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The Last “Wheady” Mile… Until Becoming “Real”

Dear Reader: Yesterday was “Real I.D. Drivers License Day.” For the past couple of days we have experienced a little of everything when it comes to weather…some wind, on and off torrential showers, gray skies and bursts of sunshine followed … Continue reading

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The Divine Spark In All of Us

Dear Reader: By now many of you have heard my story, the setting-home, the time… the night before my first surgery, the plot my left breast mastectomy, for breast cancer. *It would be the first of four surgeries in all…to … Continue reading

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In the End What Matters…is What One Scatters

Dear Reader: Occasionally I like to look back on earlier posts written the same month or season I am in now…and see what was on my mind back then….compare and contrast my thoughts about life and my place in it. … Continue reading

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Being Thankful and Grateful for Yesterday

Dear Reader: Monday started out a little “iffy.” I was all excited about calling the local DMV to schedule my appointment to finally get my new drivers license. I had to wait on some missing documents to be certified/copied, then … Continue reading

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