Category Archives: Uncategorized

It Came to Pass…Not to Stay

Dear Reader: With Christmas still a fairly recent memory…we all know the famous first lines by Luke in the Christmas Story…the birth of Jesus. …”And it came to pass in those days that there went out a decree from Caesar … Continue reading

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“Whatever Lord”!

Dear Reader: If you were a parent in the late eighties or early nineties of middle school or high school-age teenagers, and or/ a teacher like me with children around that age (double whammy)… you might be cringing just hearing … Continue reading

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Clearing the Air

Dear Reader: I think summer thunderstorms are my one of favorite things. I have been thinking about the lyrics to Julie Andrews “Favorite Things” from the Sound of Music… she would be hard-pressed to rhyme a thunder storm with anything else … Continue reading

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Will the vowels “i” and “o” on the Keyboard Please Switch!!!

Dear Reader: We unfortunate “children of the sentence diagram/language requirement decades” still bear scars from the terrifying call to go to the blackboard to diagram a sentence. I remember my sixth grade teacher would tap her ruler against the black board, … Continue reading

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The Elusive Missing Day on the Calendar

Dear Reader: A couple of weeks ago Honey sent me a 2021 New Year’s Calendar…as a donation and tribute to a local artist she knows. I was so appreciative of this gift… since my goal this year is to get … Continue reading

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An Unforgettable Response

Dear Reader: Before we talk about one fascinating origin behind a daily response (that we take for granted) in today’s post..first let me thank you for your unforgettable responses to yesterday’s blog post. The idea of taking time out daily … Continue reading

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God And Me Time

Dear Reader: This Monday’s StoryWorth’s question asked me what I learned from my parents. My immediate response was…the question should read “What Didn’t I Learn from my Parents?”  Even though my father died when I was just five…I understood from … Continue reading

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“Life Begets Life”…

Dear Reader: Wouldn’t it have been nice when we were taking that one required economics high school course (for graduation) if our teacher had written the most important “economic” principle on the board…the one essential fact we should never forget. … Continue reading

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When Life Takes Our Breath Away…

Dear Reader: Remember me telling y’all the night before last…about how “comfy” I was in my recliner in the evenings… watching movies, fun television shows, or simply reading….it was the special gift of time I give myself… to completely relax … Continue reading

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“Handle it, Handle it, Handle it!”

Dear Reader: How many of you remember the old comedy sitcom Carter Country? If so…you might, also, recall it was supposedly set near Jimmy Carter’s home site…(since he was President during the two-year-run of this comedy) in fictional “Carter Country.” It … Continue reading

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