Category Archives: Uncategorized

Faith Sees Best in the Dark

Dear Reader: After reading Lisa’s story (which we will complete together today) I realized that one of my favorite quotes – the title quote- “Faith Sees Best in the Dark” has actually been Lisa’s guiding light. She has never let … Continue reading

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A Toast to Our Health

Dear Reader: I remember as a child hearing Grandmother Wilson, and/or any of the other pea-shellers sitting under the shade trees, repeat simply this familiar expression….”If you’s got your health…you got everything.” That one comment would bring more nods and “Amen’s” … Continue reading

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Early Secrets of Spring…

Dear Reader: Monday’s StoryWorth question asked about “family secrets”… which I interpreted as asking about “family skeletons in the closet.” 🙂 Immediately I could see Uncle Harlette telling us grand kids about a family ancestor known as “Bloody Bill” Cunningham…the … Continue reading

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The Many Faces of Hope

Dear Reader: As I look out my side window the shadows are rapidly lengthening and darkness is slowly painting the lower landscape with unlit colors. It is 5:30 Sunday afternoon. We had lots of rain, in intervals throughout the night … Continue reading

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Loving Linus…and His Blue Blanket

Dear Reader: There is something so adorable about Linus and his security blue blanket that touches everyone… in their own insecure spots. He first appeared on television in 1952 carrying his blue blanket but never spoke until 1954. He is, … Continue reading

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There is Nothing More Beautiful in the World Than A Heart Changing

Dear Reader: I remember hearing today’s title post phrase at a teacher conference long ago…I must have been pretty young because I was still taking notes then. 🙂 And I remember thinking… even while writing the phrase in my notebook..’Shouldn’t … Continue reading

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The Meaning of Life…is All Around Us

  Dear Reader: I remember one particular visit to St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope in Trust, NC…soon after discovering the beautiful little chapel in the woods…Honey and I walked around to the back of the chapel where this merry little … Continue reading

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You’re Never Too Old…

Dear Reader: When I think back to my frightening diagnosis of an invasive, aggressive ductal form of breast cancer in 2008 I remember thinking “So if this it?” I was in my late fifties and suddenly it felt like the … Continue reading

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Finding that Most Elusive Creature of All…Ourselves

Dear Reader: Sometimes the seemingly simplistic things in life are the most elusive. Discovering who we really are under the skin is one of these…our likes, dislikes, interests, passions….all the things that make us unique…make us who we really are…yet … Continue reading

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No Groundhog for Us….Welcome Our Own “Ambassador of Spring”

Dear Reader: I just named our low country alligator  “Alvin” for fun…but low country naturalists, actually, do use alligators to predict when spring will arrive in the low country of South Carolina. Obviously we don’t have many groundhogs, but we … Continue reading

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