Today’s blog comes from Doodle Dingle.

Becky became my sister-in-law when she married into our family, but shared experiences, time, and the love of family have deepened that bond beyond anything the “law” could have dictated. Over the years, there have been many gatherings and trips, always centered around family: holidays, weeks at the beach, meals out (especially at Sweatman’s BBQ, Time Well Spent tea room, and Continental Corner), trips to visit family in Georgetown, Summerton, and Orangeburg. Several times we picnicked at Middleburg Plantation where we visited our grandfather’s cousin, renowned bird artist Edward von Siebold Dingle. On one trip to Middleburg, Becky collected handmade bricks from the yard and had brass label plates made, giving one to each of our immediate family units. Over years of many holiday celebrations, the annual Dingle Easter Egg Hunt became one of the biggest events. The Easter afternoon included family, friends, neighbors, and visiting grandparents–usually 40-50 people. The egg hunts originated with Dee Dee and Becky joining forces when Mandy was a toddler.

Both our families were members of the same church, and both of us (and other family members) were public school educators. The first week after school dismissed for the summer, our church hosted Vacation Bible School. For over 30 years, Becky and I partnered to lead recreation for hundreds of children. SPUD anyone?? Our roles evolved as she became the “featured story teller”.
When Becky was ready for her garden after her cancer diagnosis, she teamed up with Anne Peterson and me to get started–Anne with vision and expertise and me with a shovel. I took them to Hollowtree Nursery–the first of many trips. Becky loved Hollowtree and Lisa (the owner). Every spring, and on through summer and fall, something in her garden would sprout or bloom after its dormancy, and upon seeing it, Becky would take a picture and text it to me. I’m sure I received dozens of those texts. “Look what I discovered when I just went out…do you happen to know what they are?” Often forgetting the names from year to year (hyacinth and stokesia aren’t the most common flower names), her joy came in the rediscovery of something old that had become new again.
Becky never met a stranger. She was always able to make a connection with people wherever she went. And though she couldn’t remember the names of flowers, she always remembered people. She had the most amazing ability to connect things–not just people, but events and ideas.Becky is a very special person. She spread much joy in our world. I am grateful that Becky became my sister.