It’s not tomorrow yet but I just HAD to share this with you all!
While I have many exceptional stories about how Becky has changed and shaped my life, I just wanted to share this God wink that Becky would love. The first thing I do every morning is open Becky’s blog to get the inspiration I need for the day. After reading the blog this morning from Honey, we went to church and sat in our usual row. When the scriptures are read, I like to follow along so I opened the bible that was in front of me in the pew. I opened the bible and the dedication inside was a definitive testament to Becky and Honey’s long time friendship. I have attached a photo-a God wink for sure since this is not the bible that usually sits in that pew!
Blessings and love to all of you,
Michele (Robertson) Jones

Thank you so much for that sweet story. We will all (those of us who knew Becky well) be feeling God Winks for the rest of our lives. For a small woman, she certainly made a profound impact on the lives of those of us who loved her. I was with her when she first mentioned the Sheherazade story. Actually, she only alluded to it as part of another story from that part of the world. I pounced on the idea and used Sheherazade, with Becky’s blessing, every time I did a “recruitment” for Teacher Cadets and for new hires. The gist of mine was that we had to become storytellers (shades of Becky Dingle) if we were going to win over our students and be able to last until retirement. The point was that just as Sheherazade saved her life by telling a tantalizing story leaving the reader on the edge of the seat, we needed to build a repertoire that would keep them coming back for more. We had so much fun that five years we worked and traveled thousands of miles together. I am so blessed!
Carol Poole
GOD WINK for sure… Thank you so much for sharing that Bible insert. What an amazing Godwink.
I’m so glad Becky introduced me to that term. Many many years ago around the time she started this blog. I have loved looking for the Godwink in my life. I think about how many I would’ve missed. If I had never known about this beautiful concept. Thank you my lovely friend Becky for opening my eyes to God working in my life on a daily basis🙏🏻🙌🏻💕