Dear Reader:
I look at my three adult ” children” these days and all three of them have and adore their canine pets! I am the proud grandmother of five amazing grand dogs!
These dogs bring such love to their individual and extended families. Mandy and John just returned from visiting John’s parents -flying to Alabama and the excited love of being reunited again made everyone happy!
John, Mandy, Eva Cate, Jake,… AND WINNIE! 💗❤️♥️

Walsh, Mollie, Rutledge, Lachlan, Eloise … and Dolley!

Tommy sent this picture of the family canine clan ( including a visiting cousin ( Winnie) minus Dolley!

I never grew up with dogs because mother couldn’t ( quite simply ) afford one… and I was in the same boat, as a single parent, only had one dog Christie for two or three years and then I and Ben were in college or Vietnam so David and mother had to raise it and finally only mother was left ( after David’s death) taking care of Christie -the Pekinese, she ended up having to put Christie down! So much on mother!
So today I am one happy grandmother watching my three adult children being able to share their love and devotion to their dog or dogs with their children.
Dogs love with their eyes and it is the deepest most sincere love you will ever get from any of God’s creatures!
We must always remember to include all kinds of love from God’s creatures in our lives!
Celebrate National Love Your Pet Day!
We do love our two fur babies, Whiskey and Brandy! We also love on all the dogs here in the RV Resort, as most couples have a furry companion or two.