Dear Reader:
I was brought a package and a card that together brought me much joy yesterday!
Every day God literally shows me He is still leading and supporting me …that He will never abandon me! Never!
A young home cleaner has started cleaning in our wing of the Palms and was cleaning the bathroom Thursday when I heard her yell that the ” flusher” knob broke and fell off … she was turning the problem ( writing a report over to the front desk to send maintenance over …asap , ) to get it working… we older women need bathrooms to flush… I informed the aides if anybody was upfront to remind maintenance to please replace the knob!
Nobody showed up and I was having to borrow commodes… made me so uncomfortable… at 4 I was almost in tears -what would I do overnight?
Then I heard a man’s voice and assumed it was about to get replaced… but it wasn’t maintenance, it was my chaplain arriving for our weekly hourly visit… and I had to go seeking another place to ” pee.”before our session.
I explained what had happened when the young girl was doing the clean-up and three minutes later… exuberantly my amazing chaplain exclaimed ” Fixed!!!!!
He got down on his knees and found loose parts had rolled behind the commode… and put all on parts back on …” Done” !!!
The Lord lead the chaplain to me to rid my anxiety and hopelessness! We are never abandoned!!! Happiness is! We had a special prayer in closing!

So until tomorrow… never give up…keep looking for the Good!
From God’s Notes… Sharon Joyce shared this great list
Believe you are Loved
Believe you are worthy
Believe you are able
Believe its your time
Believe I am yours
Believe you are mine
I believe in YOU!

So my first thought was who was sending the chaplin to have his weekly visit with you? I’d call that a definite “God wink”. He always knows who or what you need! Also your patio looks beautiful – just like you. Leave it to you to turn the uncared for patio behind your home into to a garden sanctuary for you.