Eileen ( one of the employee s here) said she would help me put up birthday decorations Monday night for my next door neighbor Ann’s birthday Tuesday…hopefully while Ann was sleeping . Ann is my next door neighbor who has become a wonderful friend.

It was after 10 when we finished… we had done it… Ann never woke up.
After she was up Tuesday morning…she was still clueless about the outside decorations until I took her out in the hall … and she was thrilled.
I had gotten so involved with her birthday that Cindy Ashley arrived (which I knew about)and thank goodness she heard my loud mouth next door and came over.
Cindy and I had a great visit …always falling back on our shared love of books and reading.So enjoyable! Aww…Summerville friends always make me a little homesick. ( though she and husband Dennis have moved to Folly Beach fairly recently.)

Ann’s sister-in law showed me a picture of Ann in a beauty contest to family and friends in high school-you go Ann!

One of the sweetest stories came from Faith who just started working here three weeks ago …when I asked her name and she replied ” It is Faith.”
Ann and I both told her what a beautiful name that was…she then continued by adding that she was an identical twin…and her sister’s name is ” Hope.” She said they always stayed close because you can’t separate Faith from Hope or vice-versa.
Again I was reminded how close to a memorable story we always are …if we take time to let another person in.

She was right and her parents knew it too when they named the twins. You can’t have one without the other.
Walsh called and invited me to an early supper and to watch Rutledge’s basketball game! What a fun day and evening!

I went outside in hall yesterday afternoon and good timing.. one of the staff had wooden hearts in a wagon and was giving them out for free… this woodwork fit perfectly in my winter wreath! đź’—đź‘ŤReady for Valentines!
Becky …your blog makes my heart happy bc you always bloom where you are planted and spread joy to all those around. I will be back to but we are both recovering from a wreck we had on Jan 15th. We will be ok but it takes time.ng
Do update me Gingi!!!!
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