Dear Reader:
October 28… the day Boo’s mind over f i n a l l y lifted… without doubt under God’s intervention .
The night before this miracle happened… Tommy and Kaitlyn brought over a pot stew-my favorite meal And for the first time I managed to chew and swallow a small portion of the dinner but even this successful attempt gave me a glimmer of hope once again.
A day letter ( this past Saturday morning) Mandy handed me her a homemade cinnamon roll and some scrambled eggs … I hesitated but no voice was telling me not to eat … no interference nor threat of nausea. I ate it all down… with tears steaming down my face and the family clapping.
Later in the day…John said he was picking up supper-what was everyone wanting… I heard myself saying JUNKFOOD… everyone was laughing -I had a large slice of pizza with pepperonis and Italian sausages -best slice of pizza I ever ate!
Last night Tommy and Kaitlyn joined us for supper as John grilled out hamburgers-best burger ever!
Kaitlyn and Mandy took Eva Cate and Jake yesterday to Carrie’s Halloween fun grab at her church -First Scots Presbyterian-she works with elementary and middle school students there.
Everyone had a ball… especially pickle ball!

Since I have had lots of time to reminisce how I ever got in this predicament with eating disorders is hard to pin down to be honest… it began as a baby/ toddler. I was the child in the family who never ate. Grandmother Barbour would tell me the extreme measures my daddy would go to (with airplane spoons of applesauce) just to crash in each attempt and end up with all the baby food covering him from chin to hair-( Everyone dreaded Baby Becky’s feeding times! They pulled a magic disappearing act.
But the worst came when I found out I was pregnant with Mandy. I thought I had a terrible” bug”…. I was praying Dr Rhodes had the magic pill ( to put me out of my immediate misery but to my dismay I heard him smile and say ” Nothing is wrong with you? You and your husband are going to have a baby! Deedee’s screams of joy offset the sound of vomit rolling rolling down my dress and dripping onto my shoes… plop plop.
In those days you literally had to resign your teaching position until the doctor allowed you to return to teaching.
I was so sick… I was moved to a trailer for my classroom but since they didn’t have bathrooms inside… I had to run to the entrance bathroom-sometimes I made it… sometimes not.
I had morning sickness all day everyday until about five months.and mercifully it disappeared.

One day on my way home from school I passed a Burger King and dramatically thought ” Why or Why must one eat to live.” ( sounded like a drama as provoking as Scarlett’s last statement about never going hungry again…before the Gone With The Wind Intermission.
So third time around I am fighting for equilibrium, nutrition, renewed strength and God’ s allegiance to help meet each bump with hope and faith.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh .

But the best thing to come out of all of this is!!!!

You are looking better! Love the leggings!
Sent from my iPhone
Yeah….love wins every time…you look so snazzy in your Halloween leggings. Still praying for you.
Oh Happy Day!