Dear Reader:
The birthday surprise the Ya’s had been planning for me… made me happier than anything else anyone could have given me!
The best wish …the final accumulation of an on-going wish that I didn’t think would ever come to fruition. So many attempts that fell short and my magical birthday wish accompanied by determined Ya’s willing to give up a precious day at Edisto to make this happen.
Tommy and Kaitlyn joined us and ( and their three furry friends) but more importantly … everyone arrived beating all kinds of gifts magazines and refreshments that Ben was thrilled over.
When Brooke and Jackson came wheeling Ben out… I was immobilized for a moment… there was my beloved Ben Ben. FINALLY!
He was alert and cutting up… when Libby asked Ben if he still recognized her with her gray hair… Ben stared a minute and then reassured her he like the gray better!
One of his nurses had just bought a copy of his Story of Vietnam and she wanted him to sign it. He did, wrote her name perfectly ( To Michelle) and ended … love Ben -just as straight as a stick! Such a complicated disease… you never know at anytime what a patient can do… they surprise you!

So until tomorrow… God … What a gift you gave so many people and brought me such happiness!!!!
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh
Mrs. Dingle I am so glad to see you up and at the beach, having fun, getting a surprise on how well Ben is doing! I have been worried about you, praying for you everyday. To see the pictures and reading all in between, I feel better because you seem better. Now I see we all got this! All of us readers, all your friends and family, and the big guy. The Big Guy, has truly heard our prayers! I continue praying and sending well wishes until you are back to yourself. Just know we are all with you, every step of the way. So, know you won’t fall and not be caught, or cry out that won’t be heard, also see you feel better and rejoice with you. Looked like to me you had a Happy Birthday!!! Thousands of us wished a Happy Birthday, some in silence others outwardly! Keep holding the Bug Guy’s hand as he hears our cry’s to make you well, and all will be well!
What a wonderful birthday surprise for all…🥰
Praying big prayers for you, Becky🙏❤️