Dear Reader:
Can’t believe I am still riding a strange roller coaster… still feeling chills, fever -just downright lousy.
Mandy came and gave me the coronavirus test and it came back negative… I was so happy… so it had to be the flu or some bug. Reality check… no matter which one… you end up treating ( except for staying away from people with coronavirus) it is pretty much the same tried and true … heavy duty Tylenol, a decongestant and Mandy found a cold, flu, sore throat, ( maximum strength soft gels the pharmacist recommended.)
I called my oncologist to update the office what was happening and obviously not being able to start the new drug until after I was well again and not running fever or coughing with congestion. Dr Jeter was out of the office but I talked to her wonderful assistant and she said gently… ” When did you get hit with all this… and I replied Tuesday afternoon… after my good news report. ” She said that two to three days is usually not enough time to get an accurate reading. ” I should give it a few more days and re-test to be safe next week.
In the meantime stick with the basics – Tylenol and decongestants-back to square one. And cancelled birthday weekend obviously!
I admit it was a bummer and I gave myself a few minutes to have a pity party but then today’s visual quote popped up and I had to laugh. ( This ” whatever” I have …took advantage of my physical defenses being at their lowest-had been off my chemo daily regiment for two weeks … I had nothing to fight with… and now, unfortunately I am only able to eat soft foods between chills and fevers. So it is going to be a long haul or at least a longer delay before I can start my new chemo medication now and trying to get weight back on.)
So until tomorrow… ” It takes as long as it takes… Be gentle on yourself along the way. ”
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Thank All of You for the cards, letters, texts with encouraging words and birthday wishes… they brighten each and everyday! Love you all! 💗❤️💗❤️