Dear Reader:
These days when I look in the mirror I see someone who is one of the luckiest people alive… with the emphasis on ” alive.”
For many people who have survived a near/death experience or a medical crisis… life is never taken for granted again and somehow everything in life is more beautiful -the birds chirp more melodiously, the sun is brighter, the moon and stars shine more beautifully, but most importantly… the enduring life lesson ( from it all) brings us to the realization that physical imagery is just that… physical …but the real ” self” is much more. Humans are layered with so many different forms of intelligences that make up the ” being” in humans.
It is that ” being” that connects us to our spirituality, our universe, and most importantly our Creator.
Today, seemingly, everyone wants to jump on the ” Quotient” bandwagon and come up with another new ” Letter” quotient or intelligence.
When I was growing up… it was only the IQ test that was used to predict future success in a student’s life. The ” average Joe” got left behind in the prognosis of a financially successful career and life style.
Today, however, statistics show that EQ is as good or even better than IQ in predicting both career and personal success. High Emotional Intelligence people consist of the ones who are there for you in a crunch… they just don’t crunch financial numbers but hold your hand through a crisis.
Case-in-point … my Horace Mann insurance agent, Stephanie Rankin, who came to my rescue when my car was stolen and damaged beyond repair. I needed my insurance money to put down on another car but this was the same time period that my foot surgery went askew … becoming infected requiring thrice weekly trips to Wound Care in Charleston and I was not allowed to drive.
Stephanie came to me with my leg propped up in the air… and fought for a good return on my insurance remittance and ran errands to pick up and get vital information forms from the car dealerships. An angel with a briefcase! Obviously quite intelligent… Stephanie’s EQ must have also been off the charts.
So until tomorrow… A mirror is just a piece of glass. What you see is up to you.
To me… the EQ and KQ tests are the most important… it is not enough to know facts… it is the style of the delivery and explanation of information to the customer or client that is most remembered. Better said… the people who go the extra mile for others.
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh