A Christmas Godwink

Dear Reader:

Many of you have read Squire Rushnell’s books on Godwinks… which he defines as an unexpected connection to someone you love, a mysterious pathway to a life-changing opportunity, an unanticipated outcome … coming from out of the blue, or an answered prayer that makes you say “WOW!”

Godwinks let you know that God is always extending you a tangible connection to Him …“like a firm handrail on dark wobbly stairs.”

*** …(that sounds eerily familiar right? Only it wasn’t wobbly stairs… just wobbly feet… and I walked away with a bruise, not a break.) Owe God a big one! ) Wink! Wink!

Squire Rushnell also wrote a collection of true Christmas stories about God Winks… some of which I will share as we continue towards Christmas next week.

But today, let me share my latest God Wink. Yesterday, I just about finished off the last of the gift-giving and ended up at Lowe’s…I had gone into the tent that houses indoor Christmas plants looking for plants for two people in particular.

While in there my phone rang… it was Ben asking about a couple of things coming up… after the call…I checked out and started home.

I was so pleased about ” all I had accomplished” with everything going so smoothly and plenty of time left to get home…before the annual Christmas lunch with Anne before she heads out to be with family over the holidays. We started this tradition many years ago while teaching at Alston.

I was heading home singing Christmas carols when I glanced at my mobile phone holder-no phone. No problem… after Ben called I put it in my jacket pocket. I felt both pockets… nothing.

I could feel my heart beating faster but I kept reassuring myself I probably left it in the backseat when I placed the two plants in Eloise’s car seat for safe/keeping.

There was no place to turn around to check the back seat… so I ended up pulling an u-turn and headed back to Lowe’s. I searched every package front and backseat but no phone.

After re-parking at Lowe’s, I ran back into the tent… where I had bought the flowers and where Ben had called… nothing… so I ran to the outdoor checkout station where this young cashier had been so nice and asked if she had seen or someone had turned in a phone… ” sorry.. no.”

But she accompanied me back to the tent and called my phone number but it went straight to voicemail… She then told me to try Customer Service right inside the door.

Unfortunately several customers had a list of complaints or inquiries about merchandise ordered or located. The line grew longer… when I finally got to the window and asked if anyone had turned in a phone… no one had.

I remember dejectedly walking off and one nice woman asked if I needed help looking. I thanked her but told her every location had been double checked, with the outside cashier helping.

By the time I crossed the parking lot… my heart was in my throat… I was praying as hard as I could … lack of communication at Christmas is a nightmare in itself… much less my daily post writings are done on my phone. Gulp!!!

I opened both doors/front and back… and made myself calm down and start looking over , under, and in every part of the car.

Out came my frog light again … and I started looking under each seat… and there it was ! The phone had fallen between the front seat and console. It must have slipped out of my hand while leaning over putting packages on the passenger side!

From now on when asked my favorite animal… FROG will be it!

My body was limp from sheer emotional exhaustion… I left the driver’s door open … staring down at my phone muttering ” Thank You… Thank You!” repeatedly.

Suddenly I realized someone was standing by their car next to mine and it was the nice lady in the Customer Service line. ” Did you find your phone?” I held it up to show her – my hand still trembling.

” Oh I have been praying so hard that you found it… the lost look on your face was very relatable… I have lost my phone before,too, and it is so scary!”

So kind… she seemed genuinely as relieved as I was . ” Now” she grinned … ” Go have a Merry Christmas! ”

I thanked her again and my parting words were ” You do know you were my God Wink today, don’t you? She paused, then laughed and with a big wink -drove away!

So until tomorrow… Rushnell is right… a God Wink is an answered prayer that makes you say ” WOW!!!”

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

I will have to catch you up tomorrow on some fun gift exchanges… but when I took this picture of Anne with one tree ornament I had given her- an owl whose plaid vest matched her scarf … the sun shining through the storm door – provided the illusion that there were snowy trees outside !

And speaking of snow problems… I loved this cartoon.

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to A Christmas Godwink

  1. Rachel Edwards says:

    So thankful you found it.. losing your phone and a credit/debit card is nerve wracking…one of the things I look forward to when I get to Glory…nothing to lose….❤

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