Dear Reader:
I have begun to think that when I had my mishap Sunday Night ( Alright, alright… my sprawling embarrassing mis-step) time sped up … because I have lost it ( time, that it!)
Did the naughty elves ( sneakily take about a week of time away?) Last week I was confident, large, and in charge. And then on the ( 13th) the radio station declared we had entered the famous ” Twelve Days of Christmas ” with a partridge in a pear tree. ” No! It couldn’t be! My ” must ” list had not begun to be crossed out! Help!

Two turtle doves flew away while I was attending Rutledge’s Fourth grade Nutcracker Christmas program and hanging out with Ben at the neurologist’s office in Mt Pleasant yesterday and now with three French hens today.

But finally last evening …after some much needed rest… I realized that I might be delinquent in my ” must” list but there was an easy solution… get rid of the ” must ” list-tear it up into tiny pieces…and keep doing what I am doing… put the emphasis on being with ” US.” The people I love… that is all that matters! Showing up for them!
In one Christmas devotional I remember reading , it observed ” Use your magical mixer for more than making Christmas cookies… mix this world with the next… a baby born in a manger re-set time for all of us forever.”

So until tomorrow… Choose to let only what you love best about Christmas remain on the ” must” list and improvise… perfection is so boring!
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

Wonderful advice 🙂