Dear Reader:
Do you think we had fun yesterday? Never a dull moment! It was a stormy ( weather-wise) day so I was introduced to a whole new world out there. Video Games… where I found myself drawn into a new world of imagination… the objective-getting points for ridding the world of bad guys before they can go after you. ( Now that I think about it… I guess it was actually pretty realistic in today’s world. )
I do miss my tried and true superheroes in flying capes, double identities, and phone booths. Every time I was about to let Rutledge and Lachlan know about a superhero I loved as a child of the fifties… I stopped myself in the nick of time. ( Don’t do it… kids aren’t interested in your outdated memories… I remembered how I sighed when hearing about famous personalities from the silent film era and how a few pennies could get you in a theater?)
It took an hour and half of congested afternoon traffic, in pouring rain, to get home …so thank goodness for frozen dinners. ( A frozen drink would have been nice too… but no time to plan ahead.) 😉
The damper on the day, besides the thunderstorms, which we need in these drought conditions, was when Mandy tested positive for Covid-( thought she had drainage from allergies and because she was going to a primary doctor the next day she took a home test yesterday and boom) It seems like everyone is testing positive these days doesn’t it. Because for most the symptoms mimic summer colds, allergies… most probably will never know they had it.
The timing is bad…. John and Mandy were planning a large July 4 celebration for family… which looks doubtful…but this is a case of letting go and letting God’s chips fall as may. Health is the most important issue!
So until tomorrow… our days are filled with highs and lows, just like a swing, the main goal is to grab the exhilaration of the moment and the scenery of all we love!

Leaving Wakendaw… always another home

Today is my favorite day/Winnie the Pooh