Dear Reader:
This year for Rutledge’s birthday I thought I would give him a compass that came down from his great-grandfather, my father to my mother, when they married two months after Dad being honorably discharged at the end of WWII. Rutledge is my history buff and I think he will appreciate the token and symbolism.
Mother told me that when fighting overseas dad always looked at the compass as pointing back home to my mother, his treasure and their soon-to-be life together. So the compass became a treasure memory of their love.
I decided to order a box to keep it in… it looked like a little trunk … but to my surprise when I opened it-it had a treasure map and fake pirate coins in it… will save those for another play day. with the grandkids.
Sarah Breathnach , in her book, Simple Abundance, talks about taking time to create our own treasure map -a map filled with all our wishes and dreams. Then make a collage treasure map-think fun, like a child, because before we can manifest dreams into reality we must listen to our deepest wishes… which are whispers of our true selves.
Our treasures might involve relationships, professions, a family, children, creative endeavors-travel -whatever our heart desires!
So until tomorrow… ” The greatest secret to living a happy and fulfilled life is the realization that everything is created in our minds before it manifests itself in the outer world. We must believe it before we can see it. You have to know what you’re digging for, before X can mark the spot! “
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh