Dear Reader:
Looking backwards at the trail behind… it hit me how on target and true this title saying is. The first time it happened I was a junior in high school and wanted so badly to try out for basketball cheerleading but there were only four cheerleaders and one alternate cheerleader in basketball season so the chances of making the team weren’t favorable… many of the football cheerleaders tried out and they had volume and experience on their side.
But I practiced and tried out and held my breath as the principal called out the names of girls who had made it… I stared down at my desk averting my eyes… four names were called-no Becky-but then I heard my name as alternate. I had mixed feelings -the alternate had to attend each practice but only performed at games when someone couldn’t cheer.
I had dreamed about cheering in the high school gymnasium for weeks… I could visualize myself cheering in front of my family-so close-so close. Then to my surprise when I went to the first practice… the captain called me over -she had talked to the principal and he agreed that the basketball team could have five cheerleaders. I had done it!

The second time I visualized and believed in something it was a National Impact II teachers conference-two teachers from each state. I had written and been awarded an Impact II grant and was eligible to apply. I didn’t get it and I was disappointed because it was held on top of Snowbird Mountain in Utah. Wow!!! I could just see myself there!
Still I kept the Hope-a week later I went to Columbia for a state teachers meeting and Jeannie Sink , SC’s State Teacher of the Year, came over to me and asked if I would take her place at the conference! It had come true and I met a lifetime friend, Rene Harris, We just hit it off and had a ball!

Rene… a change agent and best friend-we would share many hilarious adventures!
I do believe that when we want something so badly that we take a risk outside our comfort zone to get it…. when we visualize, believe and trust… exponentially our chances greatly increase seeing our dream come true!
So until tomorrow…Before we can really live… we must leave our fears of self-doubt behind. ” Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.”
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh