Dear Reader:
I happened to catch the last few minutes of ” This Old House” segment ( yesterday) on PBS …in which each of the builders, designers etc, were discussing the difficulties of meeting customer expectations-due to COVID’s shake- up of supply and demand.
I think it was Richard who explained how demand for home renovations has exceeded the supple of materials and manpower to complete projects in a ” timely fashion.”
He observed that people have been stuck in their homes for so long… they are noticing problem areas for the first time or simply want to add on to the house or modernize it-they haven’t been traveling or spending money… so they can afford renovations now… and unfortunately want it now.
Of course prices on building materials have sky-rocketed -and then there is the problem of getting the materials -many stuck on cargo ships … but mainly it is lack of Human Resources that brings construction to a screeching halt.
Tommy ended the segment addressing young people… ” We need builders, plumbers, electricians, technicians, designers, landscapers etc. We need you young people to help your country grow while serving families and strangers alike. Be of service-use your talents and interests to change other people’s lives! Come build a new world with us!
I remember years ago the guidance counselors would talk to the eighth grade class about their dreams and aspirations-they took a survey ( something like Copes, Cops Caps) to see where their interests and abilities intersected. Even back then ( two decades ago) the counselors were predicting that Service would be the most demanding and needed occupation of all-they were right on target!!!
Try getting a plumber, electrician, painter, handyman lately to come to your home… it’s NOT easy. The day of the home appliance worker is far and few between… big companies lure them away.
Then think about the critical shortage in the top 10 service occupations-physical therapist , nursing assistant, home health aide, construction, truck driver, web developer, operation research analyst, financial advisor, health service administrator, teachers, and registered nurse. The list goes on and on… especially with the aging of Americans.
Just look around you… see a need? Fill it-it could be your new career and a life of fulfillment!
So until tomorrow… We are supposed to help our fellow man throughout life… so why not find a career that allows you the opportunity to help others and change lives for the better? You will be better for it in the long run!
Planted my new plants and flowers inside and out… always makes my spirits soar!!!

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Anne mentioned something humorous but also wise -a friend told her-concerning our daily struggles with moral dilemmas that challenge us.
” As a good friend recently pointed out to me, after I was bemoaning my most recent moral failing. ” You can’t be a ” 10″ every day,” Good Point! đź‘Ť
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