Dear Reader:
Just one thought I want to share with you today. One of my favorite Christmas stories is the O’Henry classic-“The Gift of the Magi.” It tells of Jim and Della , a young married couple who are struggling financially. As Christmas approaches they want to give special gifts to each other, but their lack of money drives them to drastic measures.Jim’s prized possession is a gold watch, while Della’s is her long, beautiful hair. Ironically, Jim sells his watch in order to buy combs for Della’s hair, while Della sells her hair to buy a chain for Jim’s watch.

The story has deservedly become beloved for it reminds us that sacrifice is at the heart of true love, and sacrifice is love’s truest measure.
Think about it…sacrifice is the true heartbeat of the story of the birth of Christ. Of all the people…who have ever walked this planet, Christ was born to die, and he was born to die for us. What an incredulous sacrifice!
I wonder if an artist has ever thought of painting a picture of the stable with the brilliant light from the Christmas Star shining down… with a distant shadow of a cross being formed at the same time! The thought gives me chills!
So until tomorrow…The birth of Christ brought God to man; the cross of Christ brings man to God. ( Bill Crowder)
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh

Guess what the family gave me? A new Apple iPhone!!! I am beyond exhilarated! So if pictures look better and you find less typo’s … thank all my family for going in together to give me a new lease of life in the mechanics of a fabulous new phone.
Kaitlyn gave me a beautiful gift-a tin holder with the title Give it to God. When you open it inside is paper and pen to write down a problem you are turning over to God. After writing it down-you crumble it up and throw it away-physically and emotionally!

Yeah for the Iphone…my family wants me to get one but I am use to a Samsung…great family pictures…love you.
I will still be learning for awhile but glad to have something bigger for these eyes!