Dear Reader:
The other week our pastor asked the congregation to call out their favorite Christmas hymn-without a doubt-o Holy Night brought many nods and applause.
I remember waiting every year for the teachers’ Christmas luncheon/ program because it always ended with Lorraine White, our music teacher, belting out O Holy Night so beautifully, to the exhilaration of all we listeners caught up in the ” awe” of her voice! Christmas began for me on the last note.
That song always made me want to be a better person… one worthy of kneeling before the ” Holiest of Holies” … the Christ Child. Bestselling author, Richard Rohr writes this observation on the subject.
We might ask ” How can I be more holy?” We don’t have to make ourselves holy. We already are, and we just don’t know it yet.”
Not that the awakening of the True Self in God is not important-it is essential. True religion is more about subtraction than addition. It is about letting go of the false self and then being
open to our Holy Spirit within us.
The True Self is abundantly content as it is. Don’t we recognize this contentment in some people around us who are there for others and love the life they have? No stressful corporate ladder for them. These people aren’t climbers but kneelers.
So until tomorrow…. Think about this line in O Holy Night-… ” Till He appeared and the soul felt it’s worth. “
Contrary to the ” Wayne’s World” comedy skit on SNL… ” We ARE WORTHY ” … Jesus’s birth saw to that! We are not only worthy but holy.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Actually Saturday was… I mentioned earlier the All-Stars Youth Football team played Saturday -a semi- final game with the chance to then play in the finals.
Rutledge was shocked that he was about the smallest player out there on the four teams comprising the third and fourth grade division-but his team won it all and as quarterback Rutledge made the winning touchdown as minutes ticked down to the final second.
What a wonderful experience seeing Atlanta for the first time, taking tours, making new friends and building a team in two days practice-a challenge!
They got ” Superbowl ” ” rings ” and Rutledge was recognized for highest skill level! A nail-biting exciting day for one and all! A joyous ending!

Look at this snow in NH Mollie’s mother sent… and though the temp is dropping today… we have been hovering near 80 the past week.

In the first LCSCT at SBC we opened with that song and I don’t think there was a dry eye on tge church…
Congrats to Rutledge…
That song stirs my soul like no other!!!