Dear Reader:
One of my favorite times is the evening when the lights come on inside and out …when I look down in my den feeling so lucky that I have such a cozy home to live in. It has taken years to reach this point.
Yet, if I am brutally honest with myself ( don’t you hate those self-talks?) my home is a prime example of too many projects left alone and luck, glue, and scotch tape holding parts together.
Rugs hide warped floors, pictures conceal cracks in the walls, electrical and plumbing problems are a constant plague… if I really want to stay up all night, instead of counting sheep-I can count how much money it would take to fix everything up to the new housing codes these days.
It’s hard to know where to start-because one baby step will turn into a giant leap of building and construction problems. What’s a gal to do?
Take Carol Seavey’s advice on counting! She wrote in her birthday card to me…
” Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years.”

So I stopped and took all the title photos of the birthday cards that have arrived this past week and smiled! Carol is so right… nothing has fallen on my head yet and my blessings just grow each year along with me! I needed to be reminded of that fact Carol! Thank you for doing so… and Dee ‘s card always leaves me laughing each year! Such a gift of humor!

My week of birth-daying has come to an end. A week ago I was heading to the mountains in the rain and fog… now beautiful fall weather prevails!
The ” children” took me out Saturday evening to eat at GRACE AND GRITS-delicious as usual… then Walsh snd Mollie had me over for Sunday brunch yesterday. Rutledge’s football game got switched at the last minute Saturday due to the Bridge Run but Rutledge saved the game at the last minute and was the hero of the day! I got to hear all about it re-enacted!

Eloise and her brother dancing partners entertained me at brunch!

So until tomorrow… Thank you Father for birthday blessings from Heaven! I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination! Thank you all for making my send-off on my annual trip around the sun so special!
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
One of my gifts was a ” Pinkie” replacement bath robe from Kaitlyn -beyond comfy and Mollie got me microwaveable bedroom slippers for warm toes!
Great work girls!! 👍
