Dear Reader:
You could search the world over and never find anyone as giving or as hospitable as Honey… and Mike!
By the time I had already pulled into their front yard and seen the gate welcoming me… I had already passed the entrance with pumpkins, mums, and a birthday balloon! In the front garden were more flowers and balloons… by the time I got to the guest bedroom another beautiful birthday balloon was merrily swaying over my bed! Talk about making a girl feel birthday remembered?… unbelievable! So lovable!

I will add these decorative pictures in posts coming up later this week! And don’t even getting me started on the dinners-Monday night we had Thanksgiving dinner-the whole nine yards-turkey, dressing, tomato pie, squash casserole butter beans… it went on and on. I have never been so ” thankful” for a meal except maybe Tuesday night when Mike grilled out steaks, baked potatoes, salad, asparagus and more luscious tomato pie! With birthday chocolate cake. What’s a girl to do? EAT and bless it over and over!
Tuesday morning was ” The Day” … the Chapel of Hope was waiting and we were on our way. As I showed you yesterday the sun burst through halfway there and suddenly blue skies, shining fields of yellow and purple wildflowers gathered on both sides of the winding road to Trust. (I felt like I was back in Provence!)
Then we went around a curve and there was the chapel-we first dropped in the Trust General Store before heading to the chapel-where the God Winks awaited!

My first impression was that the little chapel seemed even smaller than before. Then Honey and I figured out it was the rhododendron bush-it was a giant now and somewhat dwarfing the entrance but to our amazement Honey found one bud had just opened. Gorgeous!

I walked over to the rock by the stream and sat down-with all the rains lately it was no longer a babbling brook but a rushing river creek flowing by.

Once again when I went inside the chapel an overwhelming sense of homecoming consumed me! I just threw my arms out in an embrace and went to open the door for Honey!

Today I am just going to share the first ” wink” inside the chapel with you! I placed my ” love” note (in an envelope) on the altar and went to place the glass cross alongside another trinket left behind by someone. But then when I went to take a photo of it-the sun burst through the stained glass of Gabriel, the angel located above the entrance door-it reflected in my photo and inexplicably the outline of the chapel framed the photo! Honey and I just stared at the photo in disbelief. ” Clearly ” the chapel and the cross, with Gabriel’s blessings, all immersed into one photographic scene.

So until tomorrow… more pictures and adventures in Trust… flowing throughout future posts as rapidly as mountain springs!

” Today is my favorite day.”

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 6:01 AM Chapel of Hope Stories wrote:
> Becky Dingle posted: ” Hospitality Mountain Style-Honey Style Dear Reader: > You could search the world over and never find anyone as giving or as > hospitable as Honey… and Mike! By the time I had already pulled into > their front yard and seen the gate welcoming me…” > What a beautiful trip and treat for you!!!! We love you and Happy Birthday, > Becky ! Enjoy every minute!!! Love, Patty Knight >
Thanks Patty!!!! Another amazing adventure!!!! Life is to be lived to the fullest!!!
What a sweet and beautiful time Honey and Mike provided…know that it was a special time for all of you. I can’t wait to hear more about your trip.
I always get treated like a princess- made to feel so special!!!
Wow what a Birthday, Mrs. Dingle! And to Have the Chapel of Hope recognize you and Welcome you. Sounds like you got more than you bargained for!
My expectations are always exceeded beyond my wildest imagination!!! Love hearing from you Johnny!!!
Oh Becky, what a happy heart adventure! No better way to celebrate your birthday with friends and a very special chapel. Hope your entire year is filled with all good blessings. Give my best to Honey and her husband.
Beth…your encouragement makes my day shine brighter! Thank you!!!