Dear Reader:
Well …I am off to Pinnacle Mountain today to visit Mike and Honey! Then Tuesday Honey and I head to Trust North Carolina to St. Jude’s Chapel of Hope! Then back again Wednesday for all the upcoming family birthday gatherings!
This was a ” spontaneous ” decision after weeks of pleading from Honey to return! It was such a crazy summer with unforeseen incidents occurring that planned dates came and went.
Then last Friday I went to my mailbox and there was a card from Honey-the same picture as the title photo and inside was a photo of the chapel asking if I had forgotten it-the chapel had not forgotten me.
I called Honey and today I am heading to the mountains! It is amazingly fast how life falls into place once we commit and take a leap of faith.
Tomorrow we head to the chapel… to leave prayers of gratitude and prayers for healing for all the family…

If I can’t get Wi-Fi in the mountains.. there might not be a post Tuesday and Wednesday… but know whenever I get it-even if I have to wait til Wednesday when I return – there will (no doubt) be lots of pictures, adventures and stories!
“Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
And Boy was it! Mandy and the kids surprised me with an early birthday present when she found out I was heading to the mountains! New luggage! It is now packed and ready to go!

Then Susan. Bekah and Ady arrived with more presents-pumpkin candles, cake, fall towels, etc! What a fun day!

Then I was treated to lunch… just being with the family was early birthday surprise enough!

Saturday night I am sure it was the Dingle dogs that pulled Clemson through ” the game that wouldn’t end.”!!!

I’m ready and anxiously awaiting your arrival!
Drive safely my friend! ❤️💕❤️
Planning on leaving at 10 -in just a few minutes!!!!!!!!!
Oh what fun you will have in the mts with Honey and Mike…tell them hello. I know that you will have a glorious day tomorrow. So glad that you posted this because I was comimg by this week and I now know to wait until later this week. Have a safe trip.
Have a safe and wonderful trip! Give Mike and Honey my love. Maybe if it is okay, you could give Honey a really big hug from me. See you soon. ❤️🙏🙏👍
I gave Honey an extra big hug just for you!!! She loved it!
So very exciting! I can’t wait until I can make my trip to the chapel of hope! I don’t have a date scheduled… But it is definitely on my bucket list! Looking forward to hearing about your adventure and seeing the photos!
You will love it!!!!!!!!