Dear Reader:
One of the longest, best-selling Christian devotionals is a children’s devotional written and created by Louie Giglio titled Indescribable.

Each true animal fact is interwoven with a spiritual message connecting God’s presence with all His creatures.
Today I am choosing ” A Tool for God” based on scripture 1 Thessalonians 5:11 -Encourage one another and build each other up.
Scientists have long known that some animals use tools to help them get what they need. But they have only recently discovered the most unusual way one animal builds it’s house -and they found this animal scurrying across the sands of the ocean floor.
The veined octopus builds its home using coconut shell halves that people have thrown in the water. Stacking one on top of the other, it crawls between the two halves-the perfect underwater armor for this soft-bodied octopus.
When the octopus needs to travel, it simply stacks the shell halves under its body-much like stacking two bowls. It then ” stilt walks ” on its right legs, dragging the shells with it. Scientists have even spotted veined octopuses digging buried coconut shells out of the sand and squirting them with jets of water to clean them before moving in.

So until tomorrow… we can all be tools for God too-by building His Kingdom here on earth-through examples of kindness and by helping our fellow man understand God’s love through our actions.
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Last weekend Eloise took it upon herself ( as most determined three-year-olds do) to cut her own hair-she wanted bangs… and she got them ! Love them Eloise… it is you all over! Precious !

I love this devotional book…need to order one for JP. Eloise is adorable