Dear Reader:
Today, September 3, we are about to enter into Labor Day Weekend… the official good-bye to summer!
On a personal note September 3 , once upon a time, was the Labor Day for me that brought the most beautiful result for all my hard work… Mandy… my oldest child!
Yesterday I went to a florist shop as soon as they opened to pick out a cotton wreath for a friend and neighbor whose mother had just passed at the Presbyterian Village. I chose cotton because it symbolizes healing and protection… and wherever she hangs it-it will remind her of her loving mother.

From there I picked up snacks and Pepsi’s for my brother Ben … for his fridge since I was picking him up for his appointment with his heart specialist.
I went early so we could hang out and eat lunch before the appointment-on the way we stopped by Mandy’s and gave her… her birthday present!
At the deli as we were eating a couple came up and thanked Ben for his service to his country … Ben had his Vietnam cap on. His face just lit up in surprise and delight! It was so moving!
We saw four members of the medical staff for over an hour-nice, respectful and thorough with several change recommendations to improve his quality of life.
Returning home… with the porch lights coming on… my guardian angel was there to greet me!

And it all started with two magical hibiscus blooms climbing over a deserted water can!

So until tomorrow May we all look for ways to do a labor of love for others- because it always forms a circle of life!
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
And now to one of my proudest labors of love… Mandy!

Happy Birthday Mandy.
Mandy is getting so excited! Family leaving for Mexico Sunday for a national conference John is involved in…lots and lots of obstacles they had to cross to get there…but it finally all came together!
Happy Birthday Mandy! You have brought great joy to many! May your year ahead be filled with the best life has to offer! Love you!❤️🎂❤️
Hope you are enjoying the start of fall in the mountains…so sweet message to Mandy!